Page 10 of Protecting Siena
“Fuck you!” She shrieks, trying to pull her arm out of my grip. When she tries to pull her arm away again, I let her go, and she goes stumbling backwards. Without another word, she makes her way across the club and into the shadows.
Taking a seat at the table, I focus on watching the room. After twenty minutes of watching Siena and the asshole dance, I feel my phone vibrate.
Siena: Whore isn’t a good color on you
Me: Neither is Douche Bag.
I watch her grab her phone and check her message. Her eyes look up to me and she gets a devious smirk on her lips. I watch her type out another message and then stick her phone back into her cleavage.
Siena: At least I’ll be getting fucked tonight, unlike someone I know.
Watching her message pop up on my phone, I smirk and hit the reply button.
Me: Oh don’t worry about me princess, I have a plan.
Siena: Plans can always be broken.
Letting her words sink in, I’m pretty sure she just gave me an invitation to take her to bed tonight. As much as I want that to be the case, I don’t respond to her.
Walking to the bar, I order a glass of water. The guy brings it to me after a few minutes, and leans over the bar. “You with her?” He nods his head in Siena’s direction, and then looks back at me.
“No.” I reply taking a sip.
“So, what are you, like, the brother’s best friend who can’t fuck the little sister?” Laughing, I shake my head no.
“Nothing like that, although I’m sure that would be an easier situation.” The bartender laughs and goes back to slinging drinks for the people waiting.
Before I can even finish the glass of water, Siena and her boy toy of the night come walking my way. “Sloane, we are ready to go.” She purrs, running her hand down his chest stopping right about the top of his jeans. Nodding my head, I set the glass on the bar and motion for them to lead the way.
Once we get to the parking lot, I see the guy dragging her towards a motorcycle. He grabs a helmet for her and straps it on her head. I watch him pull out a cut and put it on. It’s not the same as the guy I met the other night, but I’m sure this is going to end badly. Getting into the car, I follow the biker and Siena as they zoom in and out of traffic. When he finally pulls up to an old warehouse, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
He helps her off the bike as I put the SUV in park. Getting out, I walk over to Siena and she has a grin on her face. “Sorry man, but you’re not allowed in here.”
Walking up to him, I go toe to toe with him. “I don’t give a fuck; you’re not taking her anywhere that I’m not allowed in.” Gritting my teeth, I’m ready to do what I have to in order to make sure she’s safe.
“Too bad Romeo, she doesn’t need her white knight until after I’m done with her.” He smirks at me and grabs her arm, pulling her with him. Before I can grab her, the other dude from the bar comes up with Maddie on the back of his bike. Siena tries to get him to let her go, but he doesn’t let up on his grip. The other dude walks over to us and gets in between me and Siena.
“Get the fuck out of here!” The second biker roars. I hear a few voices coming at us.
“Do you even know who she is?” I ask. The only way I know how to get out of this situation is to tell them who her father is, and that he will have them hunted down and killed if they hurt her.
“Let me guess, she belongs to one of those pussy Wayward Saints?” One of them laughs. Shaking my head no, I see Siena start to look unsure of the outcome of this.
The biker releases Siena, and she hurries over to me. I could tell that Xavier was a powerful man the minute I met him, but apparently his reputation precedes him.
“Shit. I had no idea.” The biker who had a hold of her, states. “No hard feelings.” He mumbles.
He turns to walk away, but one of the others finally speaks up. “Why you afraid of Xavier? He’s just a fucking pussy sending others to do his dirty work.” I can tell he doesn’t respect the man, but the others do.
“Shut the fuck up.” One of the others growls.
“You guys are free to go.” Someone else says from behind the other men. All their eyes shift to the big guy with the long grey beard. He must be the president or something. “Give X my apologies. My men are morons and only think with their dicks most of the time.” He states looking around at the group that has gathered.
Nodding my head, I wrap my arms around Siena and Maddie and lead them back to the car.