Page 13 of Protecting Siena
After watching Siena walk back to the house, I make my way to my SUV and get in. Starting the Audi, I see a note under my windshield wiper. I get out, grab it and sit back in the driver’s seat. Opening the paper, I see some chicken scratch that’s hardly legible. Glancing over it, I get the jest of the message. It must be from Tony. There are threats about me fucking Siena and what not. Crumpling the paper, I toss it on the passenger seat and pull out of the drive way.
I know he thinks he can take me, but I know he’s just a pussy. Making my way to the warehouse I met Xavier at yesterday, I pull into the parking lot, and I see about thirty men standing around talking. When they see my SUV, they watch intently. They are probably hoping to get to meet Xavier.
Laughing, I put the SUV into park and wait a few minutes before getting out. I want them to sweat a little. Just as I am about address these guys, my phone starts to ring.
Looking down at the screen I see Siena’s name. Shit, I wonder what she wants now.
“Yes princess.” I answer.
“When are you going to be back today?” She sounds like she is up to something.
“Not sure, why?” I ask, thinking about all the possible outcomes. The one I’m hoping for is that she’s going to suck my dick again, or I’ll get to sink into her pussy.
“Maddie needs a ride home.” She said with the hint of laughter. “I know what you were hoping I’d say Sloane, too bad that’s not going to ever happen.” Her giggles fill the phone and I know she probably told her little friend about what I said.
“Don’t worry sweetheart, when you come begging I’ll just go fuck your friend instead.” I hear a gasp and the rustling of blankets. “You wouldn’t!” She hisses. Smirking, I wait to see how this plays out.
“I would, and you know it. Yeah Siena, I want you something fierce, but I’m no fool and I won’t let a stuck up little princess run the show. We play by my rules, or we don’t play at all.”
She mutters something under her breath and then starts to argue her point. “You don’t get to run anything; I am the one who’s in charge. My father is paying you…”
“Siena.” I grit out.
“What?” She asks coyly. This girl is fucking testing my patience.
“I’m only going to say this once. Your father is paying me to protect you, not fuck you. That’s a separate deal. You want me to fuck you, then that means it has nothing to do with your father, or that pussy of an old man your about to get saddled with.” Looking up, I see the guys outside are getting antsy.
“Princess, I got to go.” Without listening to her response, I hang up and shut the SUV off. Getting into the right frame of mind, I exit the vehicle and face the new recruits. They have no idea what they are about to go through just for a shot at being on my team.
“Who the fuck are you?” One of the recruits yells out.
“I’m Sloane, and I will be the one who over sees all you fuckers. This shit isn’t going to be easy and I doubt that even half of you will make it long enough to be part of my team.”
A few of the men look at each other and then back at me.
“First things first, I don’t give a fuck what your names are. You probably won’t last long enough for me to learn them, anyway.”
I hear a few of them muttering and talking shit. Walking closer to these clowns, I watch them all. A couple of the guys are whispering to each other and I want to make an example of them. Calling out to both of them, I ask them to come over to me. They look between each other and then slowly make their way towards me.
Pointing to the first one, I bark out, “Stand here.” I motion to the other one to stand in front of the other. When they look at me, I tell them to fight. They both look at each other but they don’t move.
I push the one closest to me and he almost collides with the other. Shaking my head, I motion for another guy to come over to me. When he stands in front of me, I watch him. “In order to even come close to making through this shit, you have to know how to fight. Do I want you to beat the shit out of each other? No not really, but I do want to know that you won’t hesitate to fight anyone who comes between you and the family we are protecting. If you can’t fight a friend, then you aren’t needed.”
The guy in front of me isn’t much bigger than I am, so I wait for him to make the first move. He doesn’t even hesitate. He launches himself at me and I let him. Lowering my shoulder to his stomach, he ends up flying over me and landing on the ground with a thump. He gets back up quickly, which surprises me. He charges at me again and this time he gets a punch in before I knock him on his ass again.
Running my hand under my nose, I feel the blood smear against my hand. “Not bad.” I grin. “The rest of you, pair up. I want to see what you can do.”
I spend the next few hours watching every group of two go against each other and a few of them look way better than the others. By the time a few black eyes are forming, and a bloody nose or two have finally stopped, I tell the guys to meet here the same time tomorrow.
I watch them all walk back to their cars and one of the guys comes over towards me. “What’s up?” I ask eyeing him.
“Why are we learning to fight? These people can’t be all that fucking important.” He shifts uncomfortably and I have a feeling he’s trying to get information out of me.
“Because you never know what kind of problem is going to arise. I want everyone to be prepared to give their lives for this family. Do you have a problem with that?”
He shakes his head no, but doesn’t say another word. “You a narc?” I ask still watching him. He pales and I know that he isn’t going to work out for what we are doing.
“No I’m not.” He rushes out. I shake my head and push off the wall that I was leaning against.