Page 3 of Protecting Siena
The next morning, I wake up early and make my way to the streets to find some work. I had heard about some try outs at a warehouse a few blocks away, and decided it might be a good bet, so I make my way in that direction.
As I am walking, I see a beautiful red head sitting on a bench with tears in her eyes. It takes every ounce of strength to not stop and try to help this girl. I don’t know what her story is, but I don’t really need to know. I already have way too much on my plate to deal with. When I walk past her, her eyes meet mine and I feel like she's speaking to me through her eyes. I can see all the pain pouring from her, and I instantly feel bad.
Ignoring it, I look down and walk as fast as I can from her. The look in her eyes almost brought me to my knees. I used to have that same look before I left home. Fighting every instinct in me to turn back around and go to her, I keep walking to my destination.
When I finally get to the place, I look around the warehouse and see a few guys standing around looking bored. Staying a safe distance away, I watch the other men that are most likely trying out for the same position I am.
A few of the men look like they can be actual competition, but the others look like pussies. I watch as they do various things, and I just stand off to the side taking in my surroundings. When a dark SUV comes pulling into the parking lot, I can tell the others are getting pumped for whatever we have to do for the try out. A guy in a dark suit gets out of the back door, and looks around at the crowd of men.
His eyes land on me and his lips curl in a wicked smile. He whistles and the guys all stop what they are doing and stare at him. With a wave of his hand, he states, “You guys are not needed.” The guys all start to talk and bitch about not even getting a chance to try out. “Get the fuck out of my sight!” He roars, looking over his shoulder at the others.
When they all scatter, I stand my ground, and he turns his attention back to me. Steeling my expression, I look him right in the eyes. “You got balls.” He says with a look of pure evil.
Smirking, I just shake my head no. “I don’t scare easily.”
He looks me up and down before he says anything else. “I think you’ll help me do great things.” He gets a wide smile on his face and he tells me to get in the SUV.
Staring at him for a second, I just nod my head and follow him into the SUV. Once we are seated and the driver takes off, he starts to talk.
“My name is Xavier and I am in the business of guns and pussy.” Looking over to him, I watch his expressions and demeanor. “I was hoping to get someone like you to show up and I am amazed it happened so soon. I’ve been trying to get someone to fill the position for the last week, and expected to at least wait a few more weeks.”
Raising my eye brow at him, I wait for him to continue. “What I need you to do is be the muscle behind my operation. I run a lot of men and need you to oversee the lot of them. You’re a tad bit on the skinny side, so you will need to do some training and bulking, but nothing too demanding". He looks over to me and I just watch him.
“What would I be doing?” I ask. Not that I am really against it, just curious.
“You will be providing security to me and my family. I have a wife, a daughter, a son, and a mistress. They all need security. You will build a team and train them to be the best possible. I will not take my families safety lightly. My daughter and son are my biggest priorities. They are my legacy, and will be the ones to take over one day.”
Nodding my head, I just listen to him. “My daughter just turned eighteen, and my son is twenty-two. They think they are invincible right now, but little do they know that it is because of who I have on their security team. They like to get into trouble and can’t seem to keep their noses clean. I’ll give you a few months to get ready, but I need you as soon as I can get you started.”
Taking in what he just said, I try to wrap my head around what he wants from me. “You want me to protect your family, and add some weight?” I ask looking towards the front of the car. He doesn’t respond, so I turn and look at him.
“Exactly.” He states in a serious tone.
“You don’t even know me.” I state. “How do you know that I’m not gonna just take out you and your whole family?”
He watches me for a second. “I just know.”
That’s all he says as the car comes to a halt. He gets out of the SUV, and stands at the door. “Well, are you coming, kid?”
Getting out of the SUV, I follow Xavier. We walk up to a huge ass mansion with some fancy ass landscaping. I hear a car drive up behind us. Turning around, I watch the second SUV stop as the driver gets out and opens the door for the passenger. The first things I see are legs that have some strappy little sandals on them.
I watch the passenger walk around the door, and I’m pretty sure my mouth dropped to the floor. Holy fuck. This isn’t going to be as easy as I thought it would be. The girl that I saw crying on the bench earlier is now standing a few feet away from me. I take in her appearance and I can tell that she doesn’t want her father to know about her crying earlier, not that it’s any of my business. I just want to work and get paid.
Her eyes roam my body and I can see that she recognizes me. Her eyes shoot over to her father, and then back at me. Looking over at Xavier, he motions for her to come over to us. “My dear, this will be your new body guard.” She looks at me with wide eyes and just nods her head in agreement.
“Hello ma’am. I’m Sloane.” She stares at me, but doesn’t say a word.
“Don’t be rude Siena.” Xavier snaps at her.
“Hi.” She says meekly. She tries to cover her blush, but I can still see it. The fact that she is blushing just by meeting me makes my dick hard. It’s been weeks since the last time I got any, and I am definitely overdue, especially if I have to be around her every day.
He grabs her elbow and leads her into the house, with me following behind them at a distance. Checking out all of the crazy details on the house, I take it all in and everything that connects to it. Like I said, I like to be aware of my surroundings just in case something happens. Once we step inside, I take in the entry way. There are huge white columns that make their way down the entry way. Before we even get ten steps inside the house, a woman who looks very similar to Siena comes walking towards us.
“Hello, Dear.” She says, kissing both of Xavier’s cheeks, then moving to her daughter.
“Hello, Momma.” She whispers.
Once she’s done, the woman turns her attention towards me. “My, my… Hunny, you didn’t tell me that we were getting a new employee.” She winks at me and then walks over to me. She runs her hand down my arm, and all the way to my ass. She grips it, and squeezes, causing me to move away from her reach. “He’s so handsome.” She murmurs.