Page 46 of Protecting Siena
“He said he spoke to Tony, and he said that Evan is furious and looking for you. He isn’t going to stop looking for you both. He’s hell bent on making someone pay for what happened to Xavier, and you’re the ones he’s after.” He winces when he says the words, and I know that he’s thinking about Siena and what will happen if they find us.
“I’m not letting anything happen to either of you.” I state. He looks away, and I swear it’s like he’s more afraid of Evan than he was of Xavier.
Before I can find out what his deal is, I hear Siena scream in the bedroom. When we both run in there, Siena is standing next to the bed in one of my shirts and she’s holding her stomach. Rushing to her side, I pull her to me and steady her. When she looks up at me, I see the pain written all over her face. “My water broke.” She whispers.
Wrapping my arm around her, I all but drag her out of the room and into the hall way. She starts to cry out again, and I yell at Gully to grab the bag by the door in our room. Standing in the hallway, she doubles over in pain and starts to scream. Her fingers dig into my arm and I can feel the blood start to pool under her nails with how hard she’s gripping me.
When she’s able to stand up again, I force her to walk to the car where she has to catch her breath, and grit her teeth in pain again. “Baby, breathe.” I press a kiss against her forehead and toss Gully the keys and tell him to drive.
Getting Siena into the car, I have her lean against me and she grabs my hands and squeeze as the next contraction hits. “I hate you so much right now, Sloane.” She bites out. I try to soothe her by whispering in her ear that it’s going to be fine, but she almost bites my head off.
Hearing Gully chuckle, I tell him the next direction and tell him to shut the fuck up, which makes him laugh even more. “Remember when I told you to stop fucking with the boss’s daughter? Bet you’re wishing you would have listened to me now.” Siena looks up at me with sad eyes, and I kiss her lips.
“Never, baby.” I murmur against her lips and she huffs out and tries to breathe through the next contraction.
Once Gully finally gets us to the small ass doctor’s office that we’ve been to a few dozen times, I get out quickly, and help her out of the car. Gully runs inside to let them know that she’s in labor, and when the doctor comes running out, I see the relief on Siena’s face.
“Don’t leave me.” She whispers before crying out in pain again. Her hands cradle her belly, and she hunches over just as they push the wheelchair behind her.
The nurse wheels her in the office, and the doctor is right behind them yelling out instructions. When we get to their delivery room, I see all the tools and I feel like I’m about to pass out. She squeezes my hand, and I go back to paying attention to her. Pushing the hair out of her eyes, I keep her focused on me while they start doing whatever it is that they do to deliver a baby.
Siena had a book that she wanted me to read, but I never did, and now I’m kicking myself for it. The pain she is in doesn’t sound normal, and I can only imagine how much she’s hurting right now. “I wish I could take this pain for you baby.” I whisper when I press my lips to her forehead.
She whimpers out in pain again and the doctor looks up with a frown. My eyes meet his and he doesn’t even try to hide the expression. “We need to clear the room. Sorry son, but that means you, too. We need to do an emergency cesarean. Someone will come get you when the baby is out.” Siena looks up at me with wide eyes, and begs me not to leave her.
“I’m not leaving!” I demand. Someone comes behind me and forces me to let her go just as a nurse puts a mask over her face. The doctor starts to get things ready, and my stomach drops. The guy forces me out of the room, and shuts the door behind us. “You have to let me in there. I can’t fucking lose her.”
He looks sympathetic for a second, but his expression changes quickly. “I’m sorry, but they need you to stay out here. It’s best for both your wife and your child.”
I finally give in when I listen to his words. He leads me back to the waiting room and I see Gully sitting in one of the chairs against the wall. When Gully looks up, he has a shocked expression, but it changes quickly.
“Everything okay?” He asks hesitantly.
Running my hands over my face, I take a seat in the chair and my head hits the wall behind me.
“Something was wrong. They had to do an emergency something or other. What if they don’t make it through this?” My voice breaks, and for the first time in a long time I’m scared at the possibility of losing someone.
“They are both going to be fine.” Gully moves and takes the chair next to me putting his head against the wall, too. He doesn’t say anything else, but in reality he doesn’t need to. Just having him here with me makes me feel a little less alone as I wait for any news about the two most important things in my life.