Page 5 of Protecting Siena
Once I park the SUV, she looks over at me. “What are we doing here?” Her eyes widen as she looks around the parking lot. She’s probably only been to five star hotels all her life and would never be caught dead here.
Getting out of the SUV, I make my way over to her door and help her out. “This is where I was staying before your father offered me the job.” She looks around as I close the door.
“You actually stayed here?” She asks with a shocked expression.
“Yes princess, I did. Not all of us were raised with golden spoons in our mouths.” Her head flies in my direction and I can tell I just shocked her. She’s probably used to people always doing what she wants, and never talking back to her.
“I’m sorry.” She whispers looking down to the ground. Grabbing her face between my thumb and forefinger, I force her to look at me. “Don’t ever back down. Don’t let people see your weakness.” She takes a deep breath and nods her head. Our faces are so close that all I have to do is lean forward an inch to land my lips on hers. Her breathing hitches as she looks down at my mouth. Everything in me is telling me to close the distance between us, but my brain finally kicks in and tells me not to screw this up. I need the money. I can’t go there with her.
Pulling away, I release her and motion for her to lead the way. I can see the blush on her cheeks and I know I was getting to her. Following her up the stairs, I can’t help but stare at her ass as it moves from side to side. I know she’s swaying her hips a little more than normal and, trust me, I’m not complaining.
“Which room?” She asks when she gets to the top of the stairs. Bringing my eyes to her, I can see the little smirk on her face. She knows she caught me, but hell I’m not ashamed. Most men would kill to get their hands on her.
I point to the end of the hall and she starts to walk in that direction. When I open the door, I see the biker coming up with a girl on the back of his bike. He nods in my direction and I do the same. Siena tries to see who I am nodding at, but I push her inside and close the door behind us. “Who was that?” She asks trying to look out the window. I pull her away and bring her to the bed. “Sit.” I growl.
“You’re not my father.” She spits.
Smirking, I say the only thing I’ve been able to think about. “That’s a good fucking thing, because the thoughts I have been having about you are nothing close to fatherly.” I hear her gasp, and I know that made her shut up. She drops her hands to her lap and goes back to texting on her phone.
Walking around, I grab the few things that I had left out this morning. Grabbing everything from the bathroom, I walk over to where my bag is, and stuff everything inside. I can feel her eyes on me, but I refuse to look at her.
“You don’t like me do you?” Her voice is quiet and sad, which causes me to stop and finally look at her.
“Why do you say that?” The words just fall out of my mouth. I don’t want her to think I don’t like her. It’s quite the opposite. I’m trying to keep myself from attacking her.
“Just the way you say things to me. Plus you had the chance to kiss me by the car, and you didn’t.” Her voice is filled with sadness, and I can’t help but take a seat next to her on the bed.
“I didn’t kiss you because if I did, I don’t know if I could stop.” I state looking her right in the eyes.
“Ooh.” She squeaks out, looking a little nervous. Chuckling, I get up and grab the rest of my stuff and shove it in my bag. Checking the room over once more, I grab my bag and toss it over my shoulder. Grabbing my knife, I stick it in my pocket and make my way to the door.
“You ready, Princess?” I ask from the doorway.
She nods her head and walks across the room, never looking me in the eyes. Walking down the steps, I notice that the biker is gone. Laughing to myself, I shake my head. He must have hit it and quit it. Damn, too bad I didn’t get to sneak a peek at her. I feel a tiny finger poke me. “What are you laughing about?” She asks with her head tilted a tad. She’s looking at me like a dog does when they do that stupid head tilt thing.
“Nothing important.” I reply, walking to her side of the SUV.
Helping her inside, she just smiles. “Okay.”
Making my way to the driver’s side, I see a few people watching us. Instantly, I scan the area before I put the SUV in reverse. They watch, but never make a move. Maybe I’m being paranoid, but you can never be too sure, especially if they are after Siena.
After a few minutes, her voice breaks the silent cab. “Have you met my father’s whore yet?”Surprised, I look over at her. She doesn’t look pissed off about it, which is a first. Most women hate the other women, especially if it was someone who was ruining their family.
“No I haven’t.” I say looking back at the road.
The rest of the ride is carried out in silence, which isn’t uncomfortable at all. I actually like being in her presence. I just have to remind myself that this is just a job and I can’t get attached. I chant this over and over in my head until we pull into the driveway.
When we get out of the car, I see a guy walking towards us. “Siena.” He growls.
I watch her cower a little, and I can’t help but want to protect her from this douche bag. “Hi Tony.” She mumbles. He grabs her arm and pulls her to him. I watch the fear in her eyes as she looks back at me, pleading for me to do something.
“Who the hell are you?” He barks.
“If you don’t let her go, you’re about to find out.”
His lip curls in disgust, and I can’t help but smirk. When he doesn’t let her go, I make my way to him and land a kick to the outside of his knee. He lets out a girly ass scream, and Siena comes to stand next to me. Leaving him on the ground, I grab her elbow and lead her towards my place.
“You okay?” I ask, looking at her arm. She has a few red marks from where he grabbed her, but other than that she just looks shaken up. She just nods her head yes and keeps looking over my shoulder. Turning her so that she isn’t looking for him, I watch her back and check her arm at the same time. “Who was that?” I ask.