Page 53 of Protecting Siena
Gully: Hey brother, sorry to interrupt your night but Nixon is sick. He wants you.
Me: I’ll come get him. Thanks for watching him for us.
Gully: Anytime.
Getting out of bed, I pull on the pair of jeans I was wearing when I got home earlier and pull on my tee shirt. Slipping my feet into my boots, I make my way to the car and start the engine.
Gully lived with us for a couple of months, until he found a place not too far away. When I pull into his driveway, I see him standing in the window. Getting out, I walk towards the front door I’m met by him and my boy. Nixon looks exhausted, and he whines when he sees me.
“Daddy.” He whimpers.
Taking him from Gully, I get him situated on my shoulder and turn to Gully. “Sorry man. I really didn’t want to ruin your night, but he really wanted you guys.”
“Ehh don’t worry about it. We’ve been asleep for the past three hours.” He starts to chuckle and I do, too. Not too long ago, we would spend hours worshipping each other bodies at night, and now we sneak in hot, dirty fucks when Nixon is napping. Every night I still get to fuck my girl long and hard, but we are typically out by ten p.m., if not earlier. Getting up at the butt crack of dawn with Nixon and working full time jobs definitely wears on us.
We say our goodbye’s and I make my way to the car with Nixon. Strapping him in his seat, I shut the door and get in.
After I get him home and in bed, I strip back down, and slide in under the covers with my wife.
Her body seeks me out and she cuddles into my side. “Where did you go?” Her voice is raspy with sleep, and I pull her closer to me.
“Gully called and said Nixon was sick, so I went and picked him up.” I rub my hand down her back as her head pops up and she looks worried. That kid has never been sick a day in his life, and she knows that. “Relax. He’s asleep. I think he just wanted to be home.” She sighs and lies back down on my chest.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. Once I got him in the car, he started to talk my damn ear off. I read him a book and he’s passed the fuck out. He’s fine, babe.” I feel her tension wash away and she cuddles into me more.
“Do you think we can ever go back to Vegas?” Looking down at her face, I see the emotions written all over her face. She misses it. She may not miss her mother, but she misses the friends that she left behind, and the life she loved.
“I don’t know who would come looking for us if we go back. I’m not putting either of you in harm’s way.” She blows out the breath that she was holding, and I hate being the one to crush her hope. “I’m sorry, baby.”
She shakes her head, and her grip on me tightens. “You’re right. Nixon is more important. Plus, I love everyone here. It’s just that I just miss my old friends, too.” Running my hand down the back of her head, I just watch her. She’s been strong for so long that I forget that sometimes she has to break down.
“I’ll always give you the world. If you want to go and visit Maddie for the weekend, we can arrange that. But I will make sure you are protected at all times while we are there.” Her eyes land on mine and they widen for a second in surprise.
“Really?” I nod my head and she slams her mouth down on mine in excitement. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” She says peppering kisses on my face. “I love you so much, Sloane.” Her eyes are brighter than they have been in a few weeks, and I’m glad I’m able to give that to her.
“But while we’re there, you have to be careful and vigilant.” She nods her head up and down in agreement and straddles my lap. Hell, if I would have known that all I had to do was agree to this shit to get her horny, I would have done it days ago.
She leans down and claims my mouth like she did the first time four years ago. Never did I expect a job I didn’t really want, but needed, would give me the most beautiful wife and the coolest kid.