Page 18 of Inevitably Yves
Damiano tugs at my pants. I lift my hips off the bed to help him.
“I can only imagine his thrill when he defiled a priest,” Damiano whispers. “He knew you were a treasure. Still are.”
“Your treasure. I was never his. Not in the ways that mattered.”
“Oh, I know.” He inhales deeply, his eyelids fluttering. “Gods, Yves. I feel brand new again simply being in your presence. Your scent heals me.”
I grip the back of his neck and pull his mouth to mine, ending the recollections of the past, at least for now. “I’ve waited centuries to feel you inside me again.”
“Five hundred and seventy-one long years since I last saw your face. Four months, two weeks, and three days.” Damiano smiles as my jaw drops. “But who’s counting?”
“Yes, I felt every minute of it.” His hand roams across my collarbone. “But that’s all gone now.”
Damiano descends on me with a kiss I can feel to my toes. I relax into it, blessedly giving up the control I so tightly cling to. It’s how I’ve kept myself together for so long. If not for my brothers, I would have gone mad ages ago, but now, I’m safe once more. Damiano, my Enzo, is here.
“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”
Yves smiles as our kiss dissolves into shared breath. “Who said that?”
I chuckle. “John Lennon. He was such a poet.”
“Did you know him?”
“I did a bit. I lingered around him when he was overseas. That particular quote stayed with me though, because I think a part of me hoped you lived, and that someday, our dream would be reality again.”
“Maybe I still live because you do.”
I run my hand down his chest, savoring the softness of his skin. “We never change, we can’t, yet what a marvel to feel the flesh I so desired. So familiar, as if no time has passed.”
I glide my hand farther down, and Yves’s gasp is music to me as I grip his thick cock. “You were always so bountiful in your physical gifts. How fortunate I am to harvest them.”
“Damiano,” Yves whispers. “Please don’t taunt me. I can’t bear it. There’s time for your delicious teasing, but not tonight.”
Chuckling, I squeeze him, inhaling as his precum scents the air around us. “My beautiful Yves. The name suits you. I like how it plays on my tongue.” I scoot down and drag my tongue on his belly. He shivers, arching into me. “I may faint upon tasting you again after so long, but it’s a risk I’ll take.”
I finish my descent down the slope of Yves’s delectable body, nearly delirious in the knowledge that this isn’t a dream. Finally, my beloved is in my clutches once more.
I lick a stripe along his erection, smiling as it bounces and leaks a bit more. Beautiful. So thick and veiny, with just a tinge of pink. I’ve seen it a million times in my mind, fucked myself to its memory, and now, it’s real.
Opening my mouth, I take him in, relaxing my throat to swallow his length, and we both moan. Yves’s is loud, vibrating through both of us, and his fingers tangle in my hair. We are not gentle lovers—at least, we never were before—and I pray to any deity listening that Yves’s bottled-up passion bursts free.
“Gods,” Yves moans, pumping his hips to fuck my throat. “You are masterful with your mouth.”
I spread Yves’s legs apart, swallowing him whole and burying my nose in his tidy pubic hair. Getting all of Yves’s cock in anyone’s mouth is only for the immortal. His appendage is supernatural all on its own.
“It’s too much.” Yves moans. “You’re too good.”
Chuckling, I pop off him and climb back up his body to taste his kiss again. Yves wraps his legs around me, knocking our cocks together.
“Fuck me,” he says, biting my bottom lip. “The way only you can.”
“Ah, my beautiful, come get your cock. It’s been waiting for you.”