Page 23 of Inevitably Yves
“You are also a witch?” I ask.
“Not as powerful as Viv, but I do okay.”
“How fortunate you are, Yves.”
He chuckles. “You have no idea.” With his hand in mine, he leads me farther into the room. “Where is Paolo?”
“Sleeping,” Syn says. “Apparently he’s very nocturnal and follows an old-school pattern when he can.”
“Interesting,” I murmur.
“Very well. Paolo isn’t needed for this discussion. Brothers, sisters, I have someone for you to meet.” Yves smiles, squeezing my hand slightly. He walks to Syn, a darkly handsome man. With him is another man with longish hair and doe eyes.
“This is Syn,” Yves says. “My first. And his mate, Bowie.”
They both nod at me.
Yves gestures to the man next to Syn. While Syn has a dark nature about him, this man is the embodiment of night. On his lap is a pretty little thing, gazing at me with big eyes.
“Midnight,” Yves says. “My second. His mate, Tru.”
“Welcome,” Tru says sweetly, while Midnight regards me suspiciously.
“Thank you.”
“Eros,” Yves says, walking to the man with long blond hair. Next to him on the window seat is a man with a complex but welcoming energy. “His mate, Justice. More on how they met later.”
Eros chuckles. “Hello.”
The next man looks like he stepped out of a renaissance painting, with wavy locks and a perfect face. His lover wraps around him like an extra appendage.
“Raphael,” Yves says. “And his mate, Haven.”
Raphael says nothing, but his energy towards me is kind. His mate studies me curiously but remains silent as well.
“And Thorn,” Yves says. “My final addition to the family.”
“Saved the best for last,” Thorn says, chuckling, while the gorgeous little man beside him rolls his eyes.
“And so humble,” the man says. “I’m Kyson. Thorn’s mate.”
“Pleasure to meet you all. What an amazing life you have, Yves.”
Yves nods. “I want to tell you all something. Damiano is?—”
A loud buzzer interrupts Yves, and Thorn jumps out of his seat. “Oh shit. They’re early.”
“Now?” Eros asks.
“Yeah. Please.”
“What’s going on?” Kyson asks.
“It’s a surprise,” Thorn says, already heading toward the door. “You stay here.”
Eros and Justice rise, ushering us all into the foyer.