Page 7 of Inevitably Yves
“Discreet digs as well,” I reply before draining the last of my breakfast. As I set the mug down, I glance at my brothers. “Thank you for coming.”
Thirty minutes later, Thorn turns into the parking lot of the hotel, choosing the valet. The Mercurial is a Gothic delight, fitting for an old-school vampire’s indulgent side. Its stone exterior, replete with spires and ornate entries, fits right in with the city’s old-world vibe. On the rare occasion the council visits our city, they stay here.
My normally dormant pulse actually ticks up as we exit the SUV and walk together towards the door. I button my suit jacket and smooth it down, bracing myself for whatever this is about. Though I’m their equal, I have always taken a passive role, allowing my more power-hungry peers to run things. As a result, I sometimes feel as though I’m being taken to task. Perhaps I should have led it when I had the opportunity, but my tiny slice of the world in New Onyx satisfies me.
“The vibe feels good,” Thorn notes as we pass through the lobby. “Anybody picking up on anything?”
“Just a bunch of vampires nearby,” Syn says. “Yves?”
“Nothing unusual.” No sooner are the words out of my mouth that I stumble, stopping in my tracks as I catch a vague scent.
“What is it?” Syn asks with his hand on my arm. “Danger?”
I shake my head. “No. I’m fine. Let’s continue.”
Syn nods, but both his and Thorn’s energy is heightened now as we enter the elevator. We exit on the eleventh floor where the boardrooms are. Immediately, the air is thick. I feel their reverence for me as I enter the room. I am older than them, after all.
The five vampires in the room stand to greet me, and I walk to each one to hug and kiss them, as is customary. Together we make six sanctions, covering the United States’ vampire population. I take my seat in the empty chair, nodding to Syn and Thorn as they exit the room and close the doors behind them.
“You brought an entourage, Yves?” Horus, the California governance vampire quips. “Don’t you trust us?”
“Entirely,” I answer. “They insisted on joining me and I deny my brothers nothing.” I fold my hands on the desk. “I am curious though. What brings us together today?”
The tension my question causes unnerves me. All eyes move to Paolo, the de facto leader of our group. He governs most of the East Coast, excluding New Onyx and a few smaller territories, and part of the southern states.
“We have some concerns of activity building near here,” Paolo says.
For years he pursued me and a spot in my bed. His looks finally wore me down, but we were woefully incompatible. Still, I’d be a blind man not to recognize his Mediterranean beauty. Short jet-black hair, equally black eyes, and the sexiest mouth.
“What sort of activity?” I ask. “I’ve detected nothing.”
“We believe you’re being blocked,” Paolo continues. “Intentionally.”
I pull my head back and scoff. “Blocked? That’s impossible. The only person capable of hiding their existence from me is my maker, and he’s dead.”
I notice the uncomfortable glances that pass around the room.
“What?” I ask. “Tell me.”
“We think there’s someone you should speak to,” Paolo says. “Someone who came to us first. He’s waiting in an adjoining room.”
“His name is Damiano Honore. He’s been living in Europe.”
“I don’t know anyone named Damiano.”
Paolo nods. “Yes, well, he knows something about your maker.”
I back away from the table as foreboding fills me. “There’s nothing to know. The man has been dead for centuries. I saw it.”
“Yves,” Paolo says, leaning toward me. “Speak to Damiano. It will make more sense then.”
“Fine. Where is he?” I’m out of my seat and looking around. “Take me to him.”
“Across the hall,” Paolo says, his voice tense. “He is not dangerous, but his message might be.”
I stomp toward the door, swinging it open to find my brothers alert. They obviously feel my emotions, but I lift my hand to stop them as I stare at the closed door in front of me. After a brief knock, I twist the doorknob and enter, completely unprepared for what’s in front of me.