Page 73 of Inevitably Yves
“And if I can add,” Eros says, “Hadrian is a powerful dude. Powerful enough to block fate, it seems. Who only knows what he did to make Damiano walk away. By your own words, he made you stay and not chase the man you loved.”
Thorn nods. “Yeah. Fuck Hadrian. It’s his fault, not fate’s.”
I glance back at my lover who is chatting with Hale and Tiago. “If what you’re saying is true why can’t Damiano feel it?”
“He does,” Raphael answers. “The connection between the two of you, the love he feels is…” Raphael waves his hands in the air. “Intense. He would do anything for you, Yves. He would sacrifice himself. That’s not regular love, and I know you feel it. You’re just afraid to.”
“So let us feel it for you,” Eros says. “Let us show you what’s happening.” He offers his hand and each brother does so too.
Shaking slightly, I step forward and take his hand in mine. My brothers circle me, their mates looking on curiously.
When they put their hands on me, I’m hit with a wave of such pure love that my eyes burn. My body vibrates and images of me and Damiano all those centuries ago flood my mind.
The instant connection we shared.
The way we both just knew what the other felt or needed.
How my soul was comforted and soothed in his presence.
And the day he left, feeling as though I had lost a limb.
I fall to my knees, completely surrounded by the love we shared—still share. My brothers, these incredible men who hold pieces of me inside their veins, let it flow through them to me until there is absolutely no doubt. No more fear. No more denial.
Damiano is my fated mate. He always was. Hadrian must have known.
I tilt my head up to see Syn first. He brushes my hair from my brow. “All of our dreams are complete now, for none of us could be truly happy until you found the love you deserve. What a joy to know you have.”
Rubbing my chest, I nod, nearly speechless. “I need to go to him.”
“He knows,” Raphael says, his eyes flitting up in Damiano’s direction briefly. “He’s just afraid to accept it, like you were. He’s afraid to lose it again, like you were. He’ll accept it quickly. He just needs confirmation.”
I nod, allowing Syn to help me to my feet. A wave of emotions—love, curiosity, concern—hits me all at once and I turn to face my love.
My fated mate.
He was here all along.
I’m doing my best to sit here and give Yves and his brothers space, but gods, the emotion flowing from them is intense. I want to run to Yves, hold him, promise him everything is going to be okay.
The circle around him parts, and he’s there, facing me with a stunning expression of love and wonder on his perfect features. He walks to me slowly, and the world around us falls away.
“What is it, my beloved?” I ask when he reaches me.
“Dami,” he whispers, taking my hand and leading me to a table. “What a strange night.”
“Sometimes, the truth is right in front of you. You can’t see it because…well, in this case, because you’re scared to.”
“What truth, Yves?”
“The love between us. How it survived all these centuries. How no one else could ever fill the hole we left in each other’s hearts.” He exhales with a soft smile. “Fate’s hand on our souls.”
My chest tightens as I pull my head back slightly. “What are you saying, Yves?”