Page 37 of Not My Vampire
“No,” I smiled. “But I am very happy that it is so.”
“Me, too,” she nodded. “I just…” She started but didn’t finish.
“What is it?” I asked. “Is something the matter?” I turned to her as we strolled through the garden, watching Cass pick flowers.
“I’m just wondering what the future holds for us,” she mused. “With Constantine having escaped, who knows what he will plot against us next.”
“Whatever he decides to plot, we will be ready,” I assured her. “We have to be.”
We both looked at Cass at the same time. The fragrance of blooming flowers filled the air, and the vibrant colors painted a picturesque scene. It looked like something out of a fairytale. Cass frolicked in the garden, as her small hands delicately plucked flowers. Her laughter was a sweet melody that echoed through the tranquil surroundings. Each blossom she gathered seemed to radiate with her youthful enthusiasm.
Lilith and I shared a silent, contented moment as we watched our daughter. The worries and uncertainties that had plagued us before seemed to fade into the background, replaced by the simple joy of witnessing Cass’ happiness. It was a reminder that, amidst the challenges we faced, these moments of familial bliss were what truly mattered.
I knew that Lilith was worried. I would never admit it to her, but I knew that feeling. I regretted not facing Constantine, allowing him to escape, when I had a chance to end all of this. I supposed that fate wanted to have it some other way. I was certain that we would meet again, but I refused to allow that notion to mark me for the rest of my life, to affect every single aspect of the relationships I shared with my loved ones. I refused to allow him that control over me. That would mean that he had won.
I had also spoken to King Theodore and Caleb several times about this. They were of the same conviction. Constantine was still a threat to us all. That much was obvious. He was probably hiding away somewhere, coming up with a new devious plan. He was a creature of habit, and his habit was his persistent desire to rule over everyone. Fortunately, there would always be those who would defy him.
What was important now was the knowledge that we needed to be united to fight him, because only united could we stand against him. Otherwise, he would take us all out easily.
There had been word of uniting our kingdom with some vampire clans, but there were still ongoing negotiations regarding that. Nonetheless, that meant that there was a change in the world. Maybe at some point in the future, humans and vampires would be able to live together, in peace. It was a nice thought to look forward to.
I remembered how others judged my parents for taking me in. Eventually, they had to hide away themselves, so they could take care of me without all those judgmental looks and tongues. I could never understand that. Wasn’t a baby just a baby, regardless of whether it was a human baby or a vampire baby? It only proved to me that there were malicious people belonging to any species, whether it was supernatural or not.
But at the same time, that meant that there were good people belonging to all aspects of life. And these good people, these good vampires, they all needed to come together to fight the evils of this world. That was the only way we could create a better world for posterity, because children were what mattered the most.
Cass. My sweet Cass. I would do anything for her, and I longed to have more children with Lil. But there was enough time for everything.
“Adrian?” Lilith’s voice brought me back to the present moment. I noticed that she stopped and pulled me by the hand to do the same. Her eyes were sparkling with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. I loved it when she was like this, like an ethereal being that had graced my life with her presence.
“What is it, my love?” I asked, my heart beating a little faster. I loved her so much, so very much. Words would never be able to express what lay in my heart.
“There is something I’ve been meaning to tell you,” she began, her voice soft and filled with tenderness.
I turned to her, cupping her chin with my fingers. I wanted to drink in the sight of her, to make her mine forever and ever, and even beyond that. “You know you can tell me anything. Did you do something naughty?” I teased, much to her delight.
She chuckled sweetly, her laughter the choir of the angels themselves, then she replied. “Actually, we both did.”
“Both?” I pretended to be shocked, liking her response. “I’m a good guy. I don’t know about you, but I…” I patted myself on the chest for more emphasis. “I am one of the good ones.”
“I know that very well,” she smiled, her eyes beaming with love. I could feel my knees go weak when she looked at me like that. It was so strange, so frightening the effect this woman had on me, even after all this time. And I knew that this effect would only grow. “That is why I love you so much.”
“I thought it was my good looks,” I replied playfully.
“Well, that, too,” she nodded, joining in the teasing and winking at me flirtatiously.
I was glad to see her less apprehensive about whatever it was she wanted to share with me. I couldn’t imagine what that was, and my curiosity grew with each passing moment.
“Now, you want to tell me that naughty secret?” I suggested.
A warm smile graced her lips, and she placed her hand gently over her abdomen. Something inside of me clenched. Could it be?
“Adrian, I… I’m pregnant again.” Upon these words, her eyes were searching mine for my reaction.
A surge of emotion welled up within me, a profound mixture of joy, love, and wonder. I couldn’t help but gather her in my arms, holding her close. I felt so full of happiness that I could burst at the seams. Nothing could have made me more joyful than this.
“Lil, that is wonderful news,” I whispered, my voice filled with emotion. I was afraid to speak more loudly for fear of it breaking. “Our family is growing, and I couldn’t be happier.”
“Do you really mean that?” she beamed at me, batting those beautiful long eyelashes in a way that made her look even more mesmerizing than usual. But it was not only that. It was the fact that she was carrying a life inside of her, a life she and I had made together.