Page 152 of The American
The passenger door opens and James gets in, his face blank as he looks at me. Danny gets in the back. “Oh, no.” I laugh, getting out and opening the back door, reaching for his T-shirt and dragging him out.
“What the fuck are you doing?” he yells.
“If you insist on riding with me, you’re going within punching range.” I put myself in the middle of the back seat as Danny laughs his way into my driver’s seat. I curl my lip at the back of his head and get my phone out. And smile when I see a text from Pearl.
Tie your laces or you’ll stand on them and trip.
I look down at my boots.
Yes, boss.
I quickly text Nolan to ask how he’s doing and drop my phone on the seat, reaching down to tie my laces. I’ll have to call Otto later. I need to think about how to get the information I want without him asking why I want to know it. Because why the fuck would I care if Pearl has family looking for her?
“So what’s the situation?” I ask as James pulls down the sun visor and flips up the cover of the mirror so he can see me. “Missing my face?”
His eyes go back to the road as Danny turns onto the freeway. “Lennox called Danny. He heard something outside around two. Checked his CCTV. Saw nothing. Went to bed. Woke up to a man in his bedroom.”
“And the kid?”
“Don’t know,” Danny says quietly, obviously wondering too. And worrying. “All I know is the guy he hired to protect them is dead and he’s asked for our help.”
“So there’s more to it.”
“Definitely. Did either of you know Doc went on a date last night?” Danny asks, doing a complete one-eighty on subject matter.
“Oh, behave,” I say over a laugh. “Doc on a date?”
“I’m telling you,” Danny says, eyes between me in the rearview mirror and the road. “He met an old colleague while out and about and they reconnected.”
Great. So I got no penetration because the old boy was getting some himself?
Danny looks up at the mirror at me with high eyebrows. “Mum said he met her at a clinic. I expect that’s where he took your piss sample for testing.”
My mouth opens to tell him to fuck off, and my fist bunches ready to punch him. James looks at me in the mirror of the sun visor. “What’s wrong with your piss?”
Jesus Christ. “Doc thinks I’ve got a water infection.” Both of their brows hitch higher. Oh for fuck’s sake. “I’ve had some tests done, okay?”
“Why?” they both ask.
“Just because.” I slam my back into the seat, silently daring either of them to laugh.
“You cover up, though, right?” Danny asks.
“Of course I do.” I grimace. There’s been the odd occasion when alcohol or plain lust has got in the way of condoms, but I always made sure birth control was in place. Always.
“Look, I’m a thirty-five-year-old man who’s . . .” How do I put this?
“A manwhore that needs to check the lady whores haven’t left anything behind?”
That’s it. I launch my fist into Danny’s bicep, and he swerves into the next lane, getting honked at by a truck.
“You fucker,” he yells, abandoning the wheel and practically throwing himself into the back between the seats. I’m pinned to the leather, his psycho face up in mine, his teeth bared. “I’ve got a dead fucking arm.” He pulls his head back and headbutts me.
“Fuck!” I yelp, water bursting from my eyes, blood from my nose. “Jesus Christ.” I grab his arms and haul him into the door, extending my leg fast and kicking him in the gut.
He instantly retches, holding his stomach. “You wanker,” he says, coughing. “That was uncalled for.”