Page 154 of The American
“Still thinks she’s fucking Lara Croft, though.”
“All the girls should go,” Danny declares.
“I think Otto would agree too,” James says. “Zinnea might be harder to convince.”
“Beau said they met Quinton yesterday while they were having coffee. She’s smitten.”
“There’s nothing stopping Quinton getting on the plane too,” Danny says.
“I know everyone will get on that plane, Danny.” James turns off the freeway. “But Beau might think twice if Rose doesn’t.”
I cringe, knowing that to be one hundred percent true. There’s no way Beau would leave Rose behind.
“Rose will go,” Danny says, sounding unsure. As he should.
“So we’re sending all the women and children to St. Lucia until this is sorted out.” What would I do if Pearl was hurt? An uncomfortable ache in my heart gets me. “How did you two know you were in love?” I blurt, surprising myself and the boys. They both look at me like I’ve flashed some fangs.
James blinks a few times. “Umm . . .”
“The fucking lawyer?” Danny looks disgusted.
“I’m not in love with the lawyer,” I answer tiredly.
“Then why are you asking?”
“Because it blows my mind every day how you both can love something that drives you to distraction.”
They laugh. “Us too.”
Then silence falls for a while, and I mull over the questions turning in my mind. The new feelings. The instinct I can’t control.
“You could never comprehend it,” James says quietly, pulling my gaze up to his eyes in the mirror. He’s not looking at me. “Unless you feel it. It’s”—his lips roll, his eyes squinting, thinking—“like a bomb going off in your chest. But it’s quiet. Like a shift in something you didn’t know was inside you. Dark becomes light.”
“Purpose,” Danny adds quietly.
“Yeah, purpose,” James says. “Purpose and an uncontrollable instinct to kill anything that threatens their happiness and safety.”
I stare forward, slightly dazed, a lot worried.
“Let’s have a drink later,” Danny says. “Just the three of us. Maybe go out on the water for a few hours.”
Sounds good to me.
I could do with a race.
And twenty Scotches.
It’s like a bomb going off in your chest. But it’s quiet. Like a shift in something you didn’t know was inside you.
I rub at my chest.
Fucking hell.