Page 173 of The American
“Gunshot. As soon as they identify her, we’ll launch a murder investigation.”
“What’s going on, Danny?”
“Too much to explain, especially over the phone. When can I see you?”
“Ah, well . . .”
“What, Higham?”
“My wife surprised me with a post-vacation vacation. I’m at MIA.”
“Then get the fuck out of MIA.”
“Give me a break, Danny. I’m trying to fix my marriage.”
“Aren’t we all.” I grimace as I rub at my sore lip, wandering back over to the others, getting questioning looks. I wave a hand at them dismissively.
“What do you know about Officer Richard Bean?” Higham asks.
“What do you know about Officer Richard Bean?”
“I know his wife reported a break in.”
“I didn’t break in. The doors were wide open.”
“What the hell, Danny?”
“Why would you think I’ve got anything to do with this?”
“Because I took some time over a Scotch while my wife was in bed and did a little digging, and do you know what I found?”
“What did you find?”
“I found out his son goes to the same school as your son.”
“What a coincidence.”
“And footage from a Ring doorbell sent in by a resident shows you and James approaching the house.”
“Footage? You sure?”
He sighs. “Jesus, Danny.”
“Oh shut up, Higham. I don’t need your bitching in my ear. When are you back? I need to talk to you about the unidentified body.”
“Listen, these things take time, so I have time for a few extra days’ vacation, and you have time to think about if you’d like to tell me what happened to Officer Richard Bean.”
“I don’t need time for that. I didn’t stab him and James didn’t knock him out with a table lamp.”
“For fuck’s sake.”
“I did you a favor. Richard Bean is an immoral fuckhead.” I still in my seat when I realize what I’ve done, and James’s eyes confirm that I am, indeed, a clumsy cunt today. I can feel Brad’s eyes on me. “Call me when you’re back.” I hang up and every part of me tenses, waiting.
“Bean,” Brad says, looking between us. “Who the fuck is this Bean guy?”
Shit. “It’s nothing.” I wave a hand flippantly.