Page 270 of The American
“We’ll deal with that shit when I know my boy and Pearl are out of the fucking woods, okay?” My thirst for blood is as potent as Danny’s right now. But I have other priorities. I get it. King’s dead. The man who abused my love for years is dead. The man who raped Rose and tried to kill Beau is still out there. Danny and James will want Sandy on the end of their gun or whatever torture device they choose ASAP. Not to mention Luis. But they’ll have to wait, especially if they want three killers instead of two.
“Okay,” he says, relenting. “I hear you.”
The door opens and a man enters. “Mr. Black?”
I’m up from my chair in a second. “Doctor.” My heartbeats go wild. My skin clammy. “Is—” I can’t ask what I need to ask.
“I’ll be in the family room down the hall.” He looks at Nolan and Danny, then steps out again, and all air drains from my lungs. My legs refuse to take me there.
I look down when I feel a hand squeeze mine, then up at Nolan on the bed. He doesn’t say a thing. I squeeze his in return, taking it and laying it on the mattress by his hip. “I’ll be back,” I say, nodding to Danny, finally convincing my legs to move.
I walk, eyes forward, to the family room and enter, leaving the door open. Danny follows me in, limping to a chair and lowering.
I can’t sit down. The doctor does, though. He’s still in his scrubs. Now, my mouth won’t work either.
“I’ve removed a bullet from Miss Kennedy,” he says, his voice grave, his face grave, his whole fucking persona grave. “It grazed her bladder and lodged itself in some tissue near the lower abdomen.”
My legs wobble, forcing me to lower to a chair, waiting for what comes next. “She has a broken arm and some ribs, but I’m told they were sustained in a previous accident.”
I nod.
“She’s lost a lot of blood but she’s stable.”
“We’re monitoring her closely. We hope she’ll come around very soon.”
“And she’ll be okay?” I ask, breathless.
“It was touch and go. Her heartbeat was erratic, and we were forced to shock it back into an even rhythm so we could continue with her surgery.”
“Jesus Christ,” I whisper, looking at my shaking hands. “She flatlined?”
“We intervened before that, Mr. Black. Like I said, it was touch and go. She’ll be in recovery for a while. I’m confident she’ll make a full recovery, but rehabilitation will be intense. Frustrating. Especially given her condition.”
I look up. “Condition?”
“The baby.”
I cough, dizziness attacking, forcing me to sit back and hold on to the side of the chair. “What?”
“She’s pregnant, Mr. Black. You didn’t know?”
I stand. Sit back down. Look at Danny. His face, I expect, is exactly the same as mine. I don’t think shocked quite does it justice. “Pregnant?” I shake my head. “How?”
“I’m sure I don’t need to give you a lesson in the human mating ritual, Mr. Black.” The doctor laughs lightly, standing. “Does Miss Kennedy know she’s pregnant?”
“I don’t know,” I mumble. Does she? Did she keep that from me? I instinctively look at Danny. He’s holding out his smokes. I take them and light up.
“Mr. Black, this is—” The doctor looks between us. Sighs. “Never mind.”
I suck hard, blow out, walk up and down. I can’t believe this.
“It could be she didn’t know,” he goes on. “She’s a few weeks, perhaps. And thankfully.”