Page 108 of Ruby Tears
With shaking hands, I tucked myself back into my shorts, doing my best to zip up without maiming myself. “That’s the third time you’ve given me blue balls, Victor.” I let fury taint my voice as I climbed stiffly to my feet. “I don’t understand why you keep saying she’s mine to do with what I want, yet whenever I start to accept that, you fucking stop me.”
Victor sighed as if he was the headmaster of this twisted school and I was the unintelligent student. “How many times must I tell you, Ward? She’s new. You’re new. The first fuck is always witnessed.”
“And you were about to fucking witness it,” I snarled. “You and your pet standing next to you.”
“Peter did right by coming to get me.”
“Wait.” I balled my hands. “He snitched on me?”
Ily lifted herself upright, hissing under her breath as she sat on her heels. Her red ass positively glowed against the contrasting paleness of her feet.
She glanced at the slave boy; something unspoken passed between them.
My heart stuttered.
What the hell was that look?
How did they even have a look? She’d been with him being bathed and injected for all of two goddamn minutes.
“He merely knows how I like my guests to behave.” Victor smiled tightly. “Besides, my unscheduled appointment has been dealt with. I’m now free to partake in today’s activities.” Opening his arm and stepping back into the corridor, he added, “Shall we? I approve of you disciplining your jewel and have no doubt she deserved it, but I think a more public space for the next part is warranted, don’t you?”
“You want me to fuck her in front of everyone?”
“Yes. Just as I’ve been saying from the beginning. You can tell a lot about someone from that initial taking, and I have no intention of not watching yours.” His voice turned deceptively quiet. “You do want to become a member of my little club, don’t you? To be granted permanent welcome?”
“You know I do.”
“Well then…play by my rules, and you might just get your wish.” Planting a hand on Peter’s shoulder, he grinned. “Who knows, if you impress me today, I might even be persuaded to allow you part ownership over Ily.”
Peter didn’t react to Victor’s touch. His face remained unreadable, eyes locked on Ily.
A curl of temper rose.
If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it was goddamn jealousy burning in my blood.
Why did Peter look at her that way?
Why did he drink in her bareness as if he’d never seen a naked woman before all while being surrounded by flesh?
I forced myself to focus on Victor. “What the hell does that mean?”
“It means…for a substantial sum, you can reserve her for every visit you bestow upon my humble home. If anyone else has staked a claim on her, your arrival will supersede that. She will remain yours until you leave again.”
“But others will use her while I’m gone?”
He chuckled. “Others will use her while you’re here—when you aren’t enjoying her yourself, of course.”
“Then why the fuck would I pay—”
“Because it’s an honour to share a jewel’s life and wellbeing. Guests can use my jewels however they want, but part-owners can request greater rights.”
“Like what?”
“Like having her sleep in your chamber instead of returning to the wing with the rest of the jewels. What goes on in the dark is your decision.” His fingers tightened on Peter’s shoulder. “I might even be tempted to let you take her into the snuffbox for the first time. Perhaps I’ll allow you to initiate her into our beloved Emerald Bruises games, or dabble in something I like to call Sapphire Scars. Or…if you proved worthy enough to pledge for a lifetime membership, you could be the one to give her a Diamond Kiss.”
Peter went shock still.
His eyes drowned with fear as he looked at Ily.