Page 194 of Ruby Tears
What if he tried and failed?
My heart pitter-pattered. I hated that I couldn’t tell if it was genuine concern over my wellbeing or his. If he died, I would suffer greatly at the hands of other men.
If he dies, I-I’ll never see him again.
Was that a selfish thought or something else?
Something that came with far too much baggage and feeling?
There’s only one logical thing to do.
He wanted me to go back to sleep and stay here.
He’d freed me from lust, so I could rest but…unfortunately for him, it’d done the opposite.
I was clearheaded, focused, and ready for war.
Frowning in the centre of his room, watched by a butchered unicorn and a wardrobe hulking in the corner, I made the choice.
The only choice.
I’m going with him.
Two is always better than one.
My breath hitched.
But if we get caught…
My heart stopped.
They’ll kill us both.
It didn’t matter I believed in reincarnation and karma. It didn’t matter that I’d touched parts of my immortality when deep, deep in a meditation. I trusted that this life was nothing more than temporary, illusionary, and as unsubstantial as a dream.
But…just because I believed we were more than this, didn’t mean I was ready to wake up yet. I wanted to stay. To see Krish again. To grow old. Learn life lessons. Be a good sister, daughter, and one day wife.
I don’t want to die.
Balling my hands, I gritted my teeth.
But…isn’t a clean death better than being tortured slowly?
Five years, Peter had endured.
Five years of this purgatory.
Kirk and Corine, Dane and Toby…they were forgotten by everyone but not by me.
I moved before fear could find me.
Dashing to the wardrobe, I wrenched open the heavy carved door and stared at the many coat hangers and shelves holding simple men’s wear. The top shelf housed size S clothes, followed by M for medium and L for large.
It seemed Victor had thought of everything for his guests, including a wardrobe to fit everyone.
Snatching up a medium black t-shirt, I slipped it over my pointless negligee, grateful it hung like a short dress. The thick cuffs on my wrists snagged as I shoved my arms through, reminding me all over again that if Henri failed, I would rather be dead because I didn’t have the strength to survive what would happen.
The bathroom door swung open.