Page 3 of Fiona's Fury
We get through the rest of the order and off the phone with surprisingly minimal fanfare, though that silence keeps creeping in between words. It’s not an awkward silence. It’s almost a too-comfortable one, as if there were now some mutual understanding between us that can never be undone. I scoff at the absurdity of it as I get off the phone. What on earth is happening that would cause my highly respectable self to even notice an aside like that? I suppose it’s the natural recession of brain cells after the kind of day I’ve had.
Oh good…a text from Holly.
Hey Fiona, just wanted to remind you to Loosen Up and enjoy life a little. And yes, that includes activities involving nudity and paint. Can’t wait to see you Saturday!
Oh please. Holly thinks she needs to remind me to enjoy life now? I do enjoy life. I love my life. I’m a beautiful, powerful, special woman, and I’m living my life to the fullest. All I want to know is, what the hell is wrong with everybody else that they think I need some kind of help?
I spin around and glance at the mirror to find an entirely different face reflected in it. The red grimace of emotional resistance. A term I learned in some other afternoon ‘therapy’ extravaganza. I take the recommended five deep breaths and watch the ruddiness magically drain from my cheeks. Okay, maybe some of these techniques work just a little bit. I suddenly remember that I adore Holly and can’t wait to see her too. Then I hear Bo’s sleazy chuckle in my head and, moment by moment, begin to feel human again.
Chapter 2
“A fine woman, Jose. I’m tellin you…she’s a fine woman.”
“But, how do you claim to know that only from hearing her voice?” Jose looks at me incredulously.
“I just know, okay? Big Bo knows these things…don’t ever question the man, alright?”
“But man, what if she’s like…gnarly or something?”
“Aw, no man. Don’t even go there.”
“But what…what if she looks like she fell off the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down, man?” Now he’s just plain messin with me.
“Aw no, come on man. She ain’t like that…not this one.”
“But you don’t know that. Brother I swear, you’re gonna get messed up over some old spinster, man, with weird looking teeth and everything. I swear by it, man.”
“Aw hell no, Jose. First off, I ain’t gettin messed up over no woman. Alright? You can get that outta your head right now. And second off…oh I don’t know. I’ve just got a feelin about this one, alright? So just…let it go man, cause I can’t explain it and it ain’t worth tryin to explain to a box of rocks like you.” I reach over and rustle what’s left of Jose’s shiny, black hair, letting him know it’s all good.
“Okay, whatever you say man. Beer?” Jose shoves away our empty bottles and eyes the bartender.
“Naw that’s cool. Thanks man, but I gotta get goin anyhow. I got a bunch of tender new babies at home, need checked on.”
“Hey, you really do love your plants, don’t you? You’re a good man, you know that Bo?” Jose’s eyes sparkle with a sweetness he usually tries to hide.
“I reckon so Jose. I reckon I love them plants more than anything else I have in my life.” I touch the brim of my hat as I give a quick nod and turn toward the door.
I’ve always liked Jose. The guy’s alright, but a strange calm sets in as I fire up my Chevy and head back to the farm. That last exchange is stinging me, somewhere inside. I guess I never had much of anything else in my life, after my brothers grew up enough to go their own ways. I still love em to this day, always will, but I’m not too sure I’ll ever see either one of em again. Such is life in the fast lane. Ain’t my thing anyway. I chose the country life and I’ll stick by it to the end.
As I turn down the gravel lane, I can just make out the long strips of pink, yellow, and coral coneflowers…fading in the twilight like neon watercolors. I park next to the shed and head on back to the greenhouse to see how my orchids are doing. As I open the door, thousands of delicate babies quiver their heads at me, set in motion by the slight draft. I can feel the life in each and every precious petal, and I believe they can feel mine too. Some folks think I’m peculiar, but I talk to my plants before bed each night…even run experiments with em. The ones I talk to the nicest are the ones that grow fastest. No doubt about it.
“There’s a real special lady up in Iowa who’s gonna be takin care of ya’ll soon. So I need you to grow up big and strong, hear me?” It tickles me to be able to tell these tiny purple orchids where they’re headin off to. I can feel they’re gonna have a happy life up there.
Chapter 3
After having sprung out of bed at six thirty to do a long meditation, pick through emails over a mug of cascara tea, and soak in my clawfoot tub, I’m beginning to drift off when I receive a call from Quade.
“Hey Cookie, having lunch with Holly today?” he asks with a familiar undertone.
“Of course. What’s up?”
“Well, I’ll be flying in to meet a client this afternoon and thought maybe I could interest you in an early dinner? I have to be in Chicago tonight but we could take a couple hours before I go.” I love my ex-husband, but it makes my skin crawl when he uses that pursuant tone of voice.
“Probably not this time, sweets. I’m meeting her in Iowa City to do some retail therapy after. She’s already up there for an early appointment and I’ll be hitting the road to join her in less than an hour.”