Page 31 of Fiona's Fury
Now that I am here, face to face with this god of a man, I have no choice but to surrender. Aware it can’t possibly go anywhere, I may as well enjoy it for all of two days. There’s not a flesh and blood woman on Earth who would walk away from this, regardless of the futility.
The heat from Bo’s hands on my shoulders is spreading through my body like a wildfire. I wish we were in his room…it’s a good thing we’re not. I can see the hunger in his eyes and I don’t know how long I can resist the urge to kiss him. I was in high school the last time I experienced a welling of desire so swift and intense. I hold my face up to his, breathing in his breath.
I hope it doesn’t seem inappropriate for me to open myself at this moment. After listening to the marital sob story a total of one other person has ever heard, Bo’s trying to be stoic for me…responsive but strong. I know he wants to kiss me, but he’s too good of a man to do such a thing at a time when I might be vulnerable. I’m pretty sure the ball’s in my court…and I’m rolling it.
As I close the distance between our lips, his meet mine in a succulent embrace. Unmoving, we inhale each other with eyes closed tightly for what has to be a minute. And then we lose control. As our mouths engulf each other, he places a hand at the small of my back and pulls me into him. My legs swing onto the bench to wrap around his waist, and suddenly I’m in his lap. His enormous hands are everywhere, up and down my head and back, gripping me like baseball mitts. My moans get louder and hungrier as I run my fingers along the dense back muscles his button-up is unable to hide.
Suddenly becoming cognizant of the scene we could create out here, with my dress rumpled up to my waist like a teenager, I attempt to break away…but Bo hungers forward, pulling me back to his lips with a firm hand on the nape of my neck. After one last kiss he draws back and looks into my eyes, both of us panting for breath. He rests his forehead against mine and gazes at me from inches away, stroking my hair with those hands, sending dazzling sensations through my spine.
“Fiona, I could never think a thought that trivializes you, and I know I would have felt the same about you no matter what, but you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in the flesh.”
“Oh…Bo…I’ve never felt so attracted to a man in my entire life. Not only are you a massive hunk, you have the perfect face. You’re exactly who I dreamed up in all my girlhood fantasies about the man I’d meet one day…that were then beaten down by reality.”
“Well reality’s a changin, woman,” Bo says, retightening my body against his lap with a firm pull of his arms.
This sends me into a fit of dizziness, panting to the point of becoming light-headed. I don’t want to ever move from this bench…unless it’s to march directly to Bo’s bed. But that hardly seems like the appropriate or becoming choice for a woman he’s never met before. Then again…he has known me all his life. I inexplicably believe every word out of the man’s mouth.
The greater emphasis should go to the fact that I’ve never seen him before, but I couldn’t possibly care less. Every fiber of me wants to make love to Bo. Who am I trying to kid? Still, it feels a little aggressive for me to say it, yet I know he’ll be a gentleman till the end. It’s just…only three nights! The thought of it is killing me already.
“Bo—,” we start in, reading each other’s minds.
“Fiona, it’s after midnight by now and I’m sure you’re tired after your flight—”
“No! Actually…I slept through the whole thing.”
He chuckles at me in his sexy way, a low rumble originating deep within his barrel chest. “Well then sweetheart, we can sit here on this hard bench all night long if you want to. I can go a couple months with no sleep as long as you’re sittin on my lap. But I should at least take you somewhere more comfortable, if you’d allow me to.”
“Bo,” I respond before breaking into a giggle, “I’m afraid I can’t be held accountable for anything I might say or do tonight. The alcohol’s long gone…it’s just…you.”
Bo pulls me back into a long, hard kiss, and my body goes limp. Clutching me against him, he stands and then picks up my legs with one arm…laying me back against the other.
“Bo! What are you doing?” I cry out in a weak protest, laughing.
“I’m gonna carry you across the threshold,” he says, striding toward the hotel while I giggle and kick my feet.
Cleverly avoiding the curious eyes of other people, he forgoes the elevator and carries me up the back stairway… to his fifth floor room. I’m astounded by his total lack of huffing and puffing when he at last enters and lays me on the bed, gently, as though I were one of his flowers. He then proceeds to stroke my hair, my arms, my hands, until my eyes close and I go into a deep state of relaxation. To heck with all those bizarre yoga-therapy sessions. This is the real deal.
Feeling his breath against me, I crack open my eyes to see Bo peering lovingly down. A smile comes to my lips and I close my eyes again, not wishing to rush or change anything about this beautiful moment. I know I’m completely safe and, although I would jump his bones in a heartbeat, I also know he’s doling out his affection at his own perfect pace. I must surrender to the temporary nature of our situation and allow it to unfold as it will. My mind quietens and my eyelids grow heavy.
I awaken from a fuzzy love-haze sleep, in a puddle of heat radiating from the body I fell asleep next to. The clock reads four a.m., and I turn over to lie face to face with a peacefully sleeping Bo. I set an alarm on my phone and remain, eyes open, watching his chest rise and fall…until my sleep deficit overcomes me once more.
When my alarm goes off at seven, Bo reaches out and pulls my back flush against him. I can feel his turgidity as he growls and kisses the back of my neck, causing me to push even farther into his embrace. He finds my lips as I twist around to see him, and strokes a hand cautiously down my chest…sending a shivering sensation through my breastbone without even touching my breasts. His fingers are electric… nothing like I could have guessed about such an impressive pair of worker’s hands.
His kisses are smooth and caressing, drinking me in like nectar. Bo makes me feel not only recognized, but worshiped. I long to return the favor in a thousand ways. How can there be only one weekend of this, when a lifetime couldn’t be enough?
He kisses me till he can’t resist turning me around, then pulls me into a tight embrace and kisses me more as he runs his fingers through my hair. Still in our clothes, I can feel his full readiness through his jeans. I know how difficult it must be for a man like Bo to resist me, yet he refuses to act in haste. He’s wonderful, perfect even, but part of me wishes he was a tad less noble.
The hour disappears in a brilliant tangle of tasting, caressing, and breathing until I simply have to leave. Maxine’s undoubtedly already at breakfast, wondering what in the world became of her boss.
“Bo,” I whisper between kisses, “it’s almost eight. I have to run. Maxine’s entering the design competition in one hour and she must be beside herself with nerves.”
“Okay sweetheart. I’ll meet you for a quick breakfast?” he asks, clasping my fingers in his.
“Yes.” And I kiss him once more. “I can hardly wait to see you at breakfast,” I reply, reeling from the difficulty of leaving his side for half an hour.
Bo tears himself away, rises from the bed, and picks me up out of it, setting me on my feet with one last luscious kiss before releasing me. I stagger toward the door and look over my shoulder as I open it. His manhood is outrageously visible through jeans, and my mind somersaults into a quandary over his size. I’ve never had, or even encountered, a man of such dimensions. Trying not to stare, I offer a finger wave and I’m out the door.