Page 38 of Fiona's Fury
“Let me take you into my life, Fiona.” Bo props himself onto an elbow, which raises him approximately to the height of me sitting.
“But Bo,” I say, reaching out to stroke his chest, “we live so far away. How could we be anything besides an unhealthy long-distance obsession?”
“Well sweetheart, we can’t.” I know he’s right, but my heart feels like it’s crushing from the sound of those horrible words. “Not unless we have vision…intention…ideals,” he says with a look that’s relaxed, yet pierces through me like a blade.
My mouth opens but nothing comes out. I’m continually astonished by the brilliance, heart, and absolute honesty I see in Bo. I’ve never before questioned whether I was good enough for someone, but I find myself blinded by Bo’s light. Am I strong enough, do I have what it takes to deserve such a man? It’s clear that his resistance is every bit as difficult, his disappointment just as poignant as mine…but I know he won’t buckle. I’m going to have to take a step toward him, but I don’t want to tell him any greater details of my situation. If for no other reason, I suspect he’s the type of guy to take the law into his own hands and hustle up there to kick Quade’s butt. Not that I’d mind, except…well there is that whole issue of me losing my personal empire.
“Bo, listen…people think I’m a strong, independent woman with the world as my oyster, but I’m telling you it’s so different from that. And the less you find out about me, the better for both of us.” He looks at me with a mixture of skepticism and hurt. “Can’t we make the most of our time together and then go back to our lives? I just don’t wanna waste our time discussing me and my problems,” I say, reaching out to stroke his chest again…hoping I can divert him back to the physical. But his relentless stare won’t let me off the hook. He regards me stoically, as if my response isn’t going to cut it. “Okay,” I say, taking one of his hands, “I have a situation with someone who co-owns my business.” Bo’s eyes go wide. And no wonder; he probably thinks I’m alluding to a relationship with someone else. “A jealousy situation,” I attempt to clarify, realizing that didn’t help at all. “I have a situation with a jealous owner who could pull the rug on me if I piss him off. He could…potentially force me to close doors.”
“And what exactly is it that would qualify as pissin him off?” Bo asks with narrowed eyes.
“Well, for instance…if I were to suddenly carry on a romantic relationship, without discretion.”
“So, you’re in a situation where you’re tryin to run a shop with someone who won’t allow you to have another man?” he asks, sounding like he’s barely repressing anger. “I take it you opened your store with Quade?”
Suddenly I feel affronted by Bo’s tone. “It’s my personal business who I opened it with,” I say quietly, trying not to be too offensive.
“Yes it is, and I can’t make you wanna share it. But I can draw a line at what I will or won’t do with someone who isn’t ready to be open with me.”
Immediately Bo’s words hurt. An instant later, they incite my fury. “Just what exactly is it you think I’m trying to get you to do?” I ask with foolish indignance, knowing good and well my desires are transparent.
I stealthily roll off the bed and snatch up my dress, jerking it over my head without bothering to fetch my undergarments, and I’m out the door before Bo can hardly respond.
“Fiona, sweetheart,” he calls down the hall, lunging after me with monstrous steps.
As there’s no way I can outrun him, I turn around to stand my ground. “I’m sorry Bo, I just need to think right now. By myself,” I say as he gently clutches me by the forearms.
“Darlin, why don’t you come on back inside and we’ll talk this out. No pressure. You don’t have to tell me nothin…I’m just wantin to get to know you before one of us gets hurt. That’s all.”
The sound of Bo’s voice, combined with the exact phrasing of his words, would melt any woman. But I don’t want to buckle. I don’t want to be seen as weak, but my eyes have already glazed over.
“Oh Bo,” I sigh, pressing my face to his bare chest so he won’t see the tears. “I’ll tell you the details some day, but I don’t have it in me now,” I promise, wondering why as the words come out. Like Bo’s going to hang on by a thread until one day Quade settles down and I decide my phone isn’t tapped.
Bo’s a stud and after this performance I’ll lose him in a flash. He thinks I’m the literal woman of his dreams, but he’ll go home starkly disappointed and move on. By all means he should. These visions stab me as they form. I can’t stand the thought of not having Bo, of him wrapping his great big arms around some hot Florida girl. He believes I’m meant to be his…how can I argue? But I’d be manipulative to keep him hanging on to the impossible.
Bo picks me up gently and carries me back into his room, then sits me on the bed and kneels before me…wiping away the rogue tears I couldn’t contain.
“Darlin, you’re a woman of passion, and I know there’s a lot in you that you need to tell me. And I trust you’ll soon want to. But for now, let’s just relax and enjoy this vacation. I never meant to get you all riled,” he says, stroking his fingers through my hair.
His words make me smile, more at myself than anything. I feel embarrassed about the scene I made. I finally raise my eyes to meet Bo’s, then lean forward and melt into his kiss.
Chapter 18
Tenderness shoots through my fingertips like a soft electricity, as I kiss and caress the love of my life. Wild wisps of her hair tear away from the herd and lash down her face, threatening interference until I corral them back again. I love her angry, sad…every way. Fiona doesn’t need to hide nothin from me. She’ll learn to trust in time, but for now I’ll have to leave it.
It’s already late and Fiona needs sleep too, but she kisses like fire. If there’s one thing I know, it’s never to turn down a woman in heat if you love her. I’ll have to let Fiona call the shots…she’ll never forgive me if I don’t.
Sure enough, Fiona grabs my hands and pulls me toward her, then sits on the edge of the bed as I stand before her… my throbbing body inches away from her panting lips. She leans forward and kisses me through my pants, the heat of her mouth permeating everything as she rubs with her hands…findin my zipper and releasing it. I revel in the sound of her gasp when she sees me for the first time and wraps her hand around my girth. Partially closing my eyes and allowing her to take control, I peek down at the incredible sight of her perfect mouth around me. She moans and purrs, the vibrations enhancing her talents.
Almost unable to bear any more, I pull away and step out of my pants. Fiona lies back and pulls her dress over her head. The sight of her is overwhelming. She giggles with excitement as I growl and crawl over her, pausing a while just to tease. When she grabs and kisses me at the same time, I release a long, low murmur of satisfaction. Fiona then wraps her powerful legs around my waist and pulls me down, kissing me madly as I enter her. Her sigh of satisfaction is the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard, as I work her slowly, thoroughly.
Fiona squeezes me with her thighs, whimpers into my ears, runs her long nails gently down my back. She’s so much more than a man could ask for…better, greater, more beautiful. Rapidly escalating to the edge of her tension and then remaining there, she sustains as I slow the pace to contain us both. Eventually I go all together still and we lie face to face, breathing, for what feels like an eternity in paradise, until all it takes is one slight movement to send us over the edge.
I collapse beside her and take her into my arms. She rolls over and presses her backside against me, snugly filling all the gaps between us. I pull her close and hold her as our breathing slows together. Prying open one eye to glance at the clock, I see we’ve been in bed for over an hour. It’s past midnight, so I lie still to allow her to slumber peacefully, knowin I probably won’t sleep a wink. And I don’t want to. I wouldn’t wanna miss a single moment of Fiona in my arms tonight.
“Bo,” she says just when I think she’s fallen asleep, “I hope you know I’ve never had anything like that.”