Page 41 of Fiona's Fury
Maxine thanks Bo and then disappears into the menu, not noticing when I slip off my shoe and run my foot up Bo’s big, hard calf. I’ve got one more day to enjoy driving this man up the wall, and I’m going to do it. Heaven knows what will even become of me after today.
We order nigiri and Japanese dumplings and enjoy trading bites all around. Although I’m too excited to have much appetite, the food here is truly excellent. Our ninety minute lunch break soars by in a flourish of light conversation and laughter, Bo teasing both of us in his charming way. When he heads off to the restroom, I have to ask Maxine for notes on our last meeting and I can tell she’s picked up on why I’m so distracted. I guess there are more embarrassing things in life, but I do appreciate how Bo moderately flirts with both of us to create a neutral atmosphere when Maxine’s around. Not to mention, it’s probably good for her. I’m always mystified that she seems forever single.
“I have solid plans to play some hooky this afternoon and spend more time at the pool. Any chance you’d be able to join me?” Maxine asks.
I inwardly wish she’d be studiously attending classes all afternoon because I already was planning to lure Bo to the pool. But Maxine’s such a sweetie, and nobody likes to hang out all alone.
“You bet,” I tell her. “I’m going to a couple more lectures on how to address my staff with mindfulness and calm, and how to refuel burned out employees when the going gets rough.” I wink at Maxine, knowing she’s witnessed me at my worst. “Then I’ll be along…sometime mid-afternoon?”
“Sounds great!” she sings out, as we walk in opposite directions.
When I turn back to Bo, he has a subtly apprehensive expression. He can’t possibly think he’s not invited.
“You’re coming too, right?” I ask, to get this squared away from the get-go.
“Sure thing darlin. I’ve only got one priority today,” he assures me with a crooked smile.
Needing to rush off to class, I move toward Bo for a kiss and he takes me warmly into his arms and peers down at me with love in his eyes. “You come to my booth and get me as soon as you’re done, okay? I’ll be ready to pack up fast when you get there.”
I nod and then he kisses me slowly, for several minutes, until I’m forced to tear myself away. I rush into the convention center, find the correct room, and settle myself into the back row…only a few minutes late. I do my best to focus through the haze that Bo’s kiss left me shrouded in.
Mindfulness, presence, stress management. All of these topics that seemed imperative before, are going through one ear and out the other today. Poor Maxine. I need to be learning how to handle my employees with care, and all I can do is fantasize about the guy I have just a few more hours with. But it’s worse than that. If only I was free to indulge in thoughts about a future with Bo, instead of constantly having to check myself so they don’t get away from me. What weighs heaviest on my mind is how I’m going to explain that he can’t call me after I’m home. Bo’s a straight-shooter and he’s not going to play along with any games. I’ll have to be upfront at some point or I’ll lose his respect.
By two thirty, I’m up to my eyeballs in information about how to empower my star workers and nurture them for future leadership roles. Good. I’ve done my duty as an employer. Now I’ve got to rescue Bo and get a couple moments with him before Maxine meets us.
I head first to our room to put on my swimsuit, then book it to the supplier depot to find Bo already packed up. He must have been anticipating me. I step behind his booth and then give a quick, furtive glance around just before Bo swoops me in for a kiss.
“Ready to go play?” he asks.
“With you? Anytime,” I reply, stroking down the length of his arms and back.
Laughing, Bo suddenly grabs me up and throws me over his shoulder, then sits me down on the countertop of the booth and stands before me. An overwhelming heat rushes in, rendering me helpless, almost unable to think. I have to push him back and clamp my legs before anyone notices things getting inappropriate at Big Bo’s booth. My mission to establish relevant conversation just became impossible.
Leaving me on the counter, Bo finishes packing up his laptop and places it into a bag along with a couple other odds and ends. He then removes me with one arm, while clutching his bag in the other, and restores me to my feet. Standing at his side with an arm around his waist and the other on his chest, I can feel warmth radiating from the long, muscular thigh I’m leaning into. It’s taking everything in me not to get lost in a kissing frenzy in Bo’s booth. By the intensity of his stare, I can see Bo’s struggling with the same thing…his hot breath so close to my own.
Chapter 20
Rapt by the gorgeous creature before me, I unwillingly comply when she steps away and takes me by the hand. I don’t wanna release her from my arms, yet I’m afraid of what I’ll do to her in this booth if she doesn’t get me outta here. Anyway, I suspect it’s the blind leadin the blind. With purpose, Fiona pulls me through the crowd and out into the cool, open space of the quieter hall. I watch, enraptured by the way she moves in her well-fitted jade green suit…the pull of the fabric against her heart-shaped behind as she walks, the swish of her hair down her back…a shiny stream of caramel against the jade, streaming out from under a large, floppy, leopard-print sunhat. She is the image of beauty and elegance.
Fiona pulls me out into the hot light of day and slows our pace. As we meander down the garden paths, I wonder if Maxine will be at the pool yet. I wouldn’t mind havin my lady all to myself for a while, but I know that’s an unreasonable wish.
“Got your trunks with you?” Fiona asks, finally breakin the blissful communication that had traveled between us only through smiles.
“I have. Got em on already.”
She laughs. “They must not be very baggy to fit under those painted-on jeans.”
“They’re not exactly oversized,” I tell her with a cock of my eyebrows. She looks charmed by the thought.
As we continue walkin, Fiona keeps throwin me glances. She appears to need to say somethin she doesn’t know how to get out.
“Bo,” she says just as we reach the pool, “about all those phone calls we’re planning to have…”
“What about em?” I ask as she strips down to her suit right before my eyes.
Stunning. An elaborately strapped leopard-print suit to match the hat. The sides are cut out, showin the precise curves of Fiona’s narrow waist, and her perfectly tanned back peeks out from between the straps. The bottom is narrowly cut to reveal the tantalizing edges of her flawless hindquarters. I’ve lost my mind and can no longer recollect our conversation.