Page 53 of Fiona's Fury
“Hey Cookie,” Quade breathes into the phone. “How’s my favorite girl? A little bird told me you haven’t been showing up for yoga lately. Those classes are expensive. I paid for an entire year of classes and someone’s been skipping out. I don’t think that’s fair Cookie. Do you think that’s fair?”
“Oh! I…plan to continue going. I…very much appreciate the classes. I just lately have been…oh what the hell Quade!? Now you’re keeping dibs on my yoga therapy? How’s that supposed to be therapeutic for me? So every time I can’t go, due to the maddening task of running my own business, I have to feel guilty that you’re gonna take it personally if I didn’t show up? Oh that’s really going to create deep inner peace in my life, Quade. Thank you very much…I’m so deeply indebted to you for saving me in every single way! I just don’t know what I would do without you and all your precious therapy money!”
Upon hanging up, I feel justifiably elated. But in a mere matter of seconds shock sets in as it dawns on me that I just chewed-out the antiChrist, followed by fear over how he’s going to respond…followed again by a knowing confidence that there isn’t much he can do that he hasn’t already.
The store’s been booming since Maxine returned from London, and all the work has been a very welcome distraction for me. I smile to myself as I drive home for the night, pull into the driveway, and find Holly and Levi hovering around the grill.
“Look who’s finally home…you look happy,” Holly says, hugging me before I can escape past her. “You should be cause we’re making your favorite,” she says, as she lifts the grill lid to reveal a load of fat, red lobster tails.
“Holly, those look amazing!” I hug her again and then remove my heels, sitting to stretch my toes in the cool air.
“It sure is nice to see you smiling. Anything interesting happen today?” Holly asks, as though something exciting could possibly happen in my life.
“Oh not really.” She looks at me with a question mark. “Just that I chewed Quade out and hung up on him about ten minutes ago. I’m basking in the afterglow I guess.”
“Whoa! I kind of can’t believe you did that, but I’m so glad you did. What have you got to lose anyway?”
“Wait,” says Levi, snapping his tongs at me and looking confused. “I thought you were on pins and needles that Quade might pull your business any day.”
“Nah, I’ve done some research. Even if he confiscates it tomorrow and sells it out from under me, I believe he’d have to give me fifty percent because we’re married and I’ve been working there. Not that I’d be okay with that, but at least it wouldn’t leave me destitute.”
“I sure hope you’re right about that,” Levi retorts.
“What would you do?” Holly asks.
“Take my half and open another place that’s really truly mine. At this point, half the value of the store would be more than what he took out for the original loan. But seriously, I don’t think he’d do it no matter what. I think it was an empty threat.”
“Really?” Holly asks, looking not so sure. “He’s followed through with everything else, hasn’t he?”
“Oh yes, more than you even know. I had another call with my investigator this morning…guess.”
Holly’s eyes go wide. “No…”
“It’s unbelievable Holly. They found cameras at each possible entrance to the house and guest house…what did I tell you?”
“He is so busted! What did he have to say about this?”
“I didn’t mention it…how would I? I figure he’ll only get creepier if I call him out on his creepiness. I’m sure he’s already furious that I’ve outsmarted him by staying away from the place.”
“Don’t you have a case with all this evidence?” Levi asks, removing the lobster to a platter waiting with lemon-butter.
“That’s the real kicker. Earnhart says it isn’t illegal to rig your own house, whether you live in it or not. Plus he says that since we’re legally married, I don’t have much of an argument, especially since he didn’t actually find camerasinside the house. It turns out that not divorcing Quade was the stupidest thing I’ve ever done. I cannot believe all the ways this is coming back to haunt me.”
“I don’t know…cameras at the entryways…don’t you think maybe Quade was just trying to keep you and the house protected?” Holly interjects.
“Come on, he had no business not telling me about this. What it actually means is…if I’d ever brought any man into that house, Quade would have known who it was, what time of day or night, and exactly how long they stayed.” When Holly glances back up at me, she has a look of apologetic understanding…but I’m always surprised by how she still wants to give Quade some benefit of the doubt.
We change the subject and eat our incredible dinner in the dining room, as the patio temperature had rapidly fallen. Afterward Holly nestles next to me in the guest bed, and we space out in front of a mediocre romcom…the absolute last thing I want to be watching.
“Oh cheer up Fifi,” she says to me when it’s over. “If that didn’t make you laugh, nothing will.”
“It was dumb,” I say with a smirk, trying not to come across too harshly. But it was a damn waste of time.
“I thought it was pretty good…come on,” she chides.