Page 19 of Game Master
Throwing caution aside, Roseline gave in to the adrenaline and the beer swimming in her veins. She leaned toward him, tipped up on her toes, and kissed him, pressing her lips to his.
Callan froze, but only for a moment. Then he was kissing her back with equal fervor, one hand tangling in her hair as the other pressed against the small of her back, eliminating any space between them, crushing the files.
Roseline melted against Callan’s muscular frame, embracing him. His lips were electric, sending shockwaves of heat through her entire body. She couldn’t get enough, releasing all her inhibitions into the passions ignited between them.
When they broke apart, breathless, foreheads touching, the world snapped back into focus. Roseline’s cheeks flamed. What had come over her?
But staring up into Callan’s face, his eyes dark with desire now rather than surprise, she realized she didn’t regret it at all. The kiss felt like a key turning in a lock she had sealed long ago, opening something profound between them.
“Roseline…” Callan whispered unsteadily. “That was…”
“Yes, I know,” she murmured, pressing a finger to his lips. “We can talk tomorrow. But for now…”
She kissed him again, softer this time. Then, with a whispered goodnight, she slipped into a cab, her heart pounding as the vehicle drove away into the night, still not quite believing what she had done.
Sunlight streamed in through the blinds of her bedroom window, the brightness intensifying the pulsing ache behind her eyes. With a groan, Roseline turned her head and squinted at the alarm clock on her nightstand. 7:42 a.m.
“Merde,” she muttered, sitting up. The room tilted for a moment before righting itself. How much had she had to drink last night? Too many, probably, but with the stress and the lack of sleep, it had been a deadly combo. After that impulsive kiss with Callan outside the pub, everything became a blur.
Roseline shuffled to the bathroom. She winced at her reflection in the mirror—hair a tangled mess, dark smudges under her eyes. Turning the faucet on cold, she splashed water on her face. As the haze of sleep faded, memories from the previous night came rushing back.
The depressing turn in their investigation, fueled by drinks, longing and fatigue. Callan’s being so unbelievably good and so close. Before she could talk herself out of it, she grabbed his collar and pulled him in for a kiss.
A flush rose on Roseline’s cheeks. What had she been thinking? She had to work with that guy. Her mouth twisted in a grin. At least Hayden would get a kick from hearing about it. Roseline was usually so controlled, especially around men. But somehow, her defenses had crumbled around Callan. Was it just the alcohol lowering her inhibitions last night? Or something more?
Marching into the living room, Roseline sank down on her worn sofa and clasped her hands over her face. This partnership with Callan had already been delicately balanced. Yes, there was an undeniable attraction simmering below the surface from the moment she watched him stroll into the station, increasing in intensity the second she had been partnered with him.
But Roseline had been determined not to act on those feelings. Getting involved with a colleague never ended well. She knew that painfully from experience. After her heart had been shattered by Gerard, she had sworn off dating cops altogether. It only led to awkwardness at best and career sabotage at worst. She had worked too hard to earn respect in this male-dominated profession to throw it all away for some fleeting romance.
Or at least, that was what she had told herself. Now, her traitorous lips had betrayed her, igniting a spark that could blaze out of control if she didn’t stamp it out fast.
Roseline rose and started pacing, her bare feet whispering across the cool hardwood floors. What must Callan be thinking about her boldness last night? Would it make working together painfully awkward now? They needed to discuss it. She scrubbed her hand over her face.Oh, man, oh man.She never should have let her guard down, no matter how charming and handsome he was.
Stupid, stupid mistake. She could already imagine the scrutiny and whispers behind her back around the office. She’d be Roseline Fontenot, the girl who jumped into the sack with the new detective on his first big case. They would take it as proof that she was using sex to advance her career somehow, never crediting her for her actual ability. She had run into those kinds of malicious assumptions before at NOPD because she was an attractive woman in a position of responsibility and power.
Her hands clenched, nails biting into her palms. After all these years, she thought she would be used to the sexism—the dismissive comments, skeptical looks, and accusations of sleeping her way up. But each new slight still stung, no matter how thick a skin she tried to grow. How long did she have to work to earn their respect?
And now she had pretty much handed the gossip mill fresh ammunition with her impetuous indiscretion. What if Callan filed an HR complaint? Would Commander Beckner take away her role as lead analyst on the case? The thought made her stomach flip upside down. Finding and stopping the Game Master had given her life a fresh purpose. She refused to be sidelined from that mission because of one foolish, alcohol-fueled mistake.
Sinking back down onto the couch, Roseline rested her forehead on her hands. She thought she had matured, that she wouldn’t repeat past mistakes. But it seemed old, impulsive habits died hard. Her track record with romance in the Big Easy had been one bad choice after another.
Then there was Gerard… her first long-term relationship to whom she had given everything, only to be betrayed when he cheated with a fellow officer before badmouthing her behind her back at work. He had been the one who had started all the rumors about her sleeping her way to promotions, and overcoming them had given her a reason to be the ice queen in her professional life.
Those painful memories underscored why getting involved with Callan was a terrible idea, no matter their intense chemistry. At best, it would be a fling that fizzled out, adding awkwardness to their already high-stakes partnership. At worst, it could upend the case and undo all her hard work if things ended badly.
Was one kiss worth sabotaging everything? Roseline didn’t know how to undo this knot she had tied. With an exasperated sigh, she headed for the shower, hoping the hot water would clear both her headache and her conflicted thoughts.
Thirty minutes later, freshly showered but still unsettled, Roseline sat cross-legged on her bed with her laptop open. She pulled up her video chat app and clicked the button to call Hayden. As the line rang, she chewed on a hangnail, knee bouncing with nervous energy.
After a few rings, Hayden’s smiling face appeared on the screen. “Well, hey there, beautiful lady. I didn’t think you would call so early today.”
Roseline felt a smile forming on her face as she looked at her friend. Hayden’s warm Texan twang put her at ease.
“Hey yourself,” Roseline replied, tucking a damp lock of hair behind her ear. “Things are… well, let’s just say they’ve been better. I may have gotten myself into a bit of trouble here.”
Hayden’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Trouble? That doesn’t sound like the Roseline I know. What happened? Is it related to a case?”