Page 53 of Game Master
They gazed at one another, reaffirming their profound bond forged through fire.
Reaching out with his good arm, Callan tenderly brushed his fingers over Roseline’s cheek once more, offering comfort with his soothing caress. “I just couldn’t let Marcus hurt you. I had to do whatever it took to protect you.”
Roseline covered his hand with hers, holding it there against her face for a moment. When she met his earnest gaze again, there were more tears shimmering in her lovely eyes. “You saved my life, Callan. When I saw you go down… I thought I might lose you before we ever had a chance.”
They shared a solemn, meaningful look then, wordlessly affirming the depth of devotion and feeling between them—a bond forged in fire through the harrowing crucible of this case.
After a nurse carefully checked Callan’s bandages and vital signs, Roseline encouraged him to lie back against the inclined hospital bed.
“I can see the toll even this short visit had taken on your still-recovering body, mister,” she said.
“Fine, but you have to tell me what happened after I lost consciousness.”
She told him about what had transpired after he lost consciousness—how she had managed to unmask and take down the sadistic Game Master they had been pursuing for weeks.
Callan listened as Roseline recounted broadcasting the former detective’s identity during that final confrontation, hoping to force Marcus Lavelle to surrender when his twisted machinations were exposed. Hearing how brilliantly and bravely she had turned the tables on their tormentor when all had seemed lost filled Callan with immense pride.
“Just when that psychopath thought he had won, you outsmarted him, Rose,” he said, admiration shining in his tired eyes. “You took all his power away in one move. That was amazing.”
Roseline gave a small but satisfied smile at the acknowledgment, though her expression faded to something more somber. “Yes, but he almost took you away from me in the process,” she added.
Reaching out to stroke her arm, Callan sought to reassure her after the profound trauma they had endured. “Yet I’m still here,” he reminded her. “Can’t get rid of me. It’ll take more than one bullet to stop me from being by your side.”
After a thoughtful pause, Roseline hesitantly asked Callan if he had meant what he said as he was losing consciousness—when he had confessed in anguished whispers that he loved her. Callan could see the vulnerability she was revealing at that moment. It reminded him of those early days when they had first met—the wariness that still lingered in her heart from old wounds and betrayals.
Gazing into her eyes, Callan answered in a voice raw with earnest emotion. “Roseline, I’ve meant it from the moment I realized how incredible you are. From the moment we started working that case, I hoped that someday I might be able to say those words to you, that we could discover a future together.”
Roseline’s expression softened. In turn, she confessed haltingly that in those bleak moments when his life hung in the balance, her deepest regret had been the possibility of losing Callan without ever knowing a chance at real love.
Hearing this, Callan grasped her hand again like an anchor. “I’m going to fight with everything I’ve got to come back from this,” he vowed. “We can have that chance.”
Callan’s limited energy reserves dwindled. His shoulder throbbed painfully, and his eyes grew heavy with exhaustion.
Roseline brushed the hair back from his forehead. “You should rest now, Callan,” she said. “Don’t waste your energy talking. Just focus everything on healing.” Reaching out, she clasped his hand in both of hers. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be right here by your side every step as you recover. Whatever you need, I’m here.”
Her unwavering loyalty moved Callan. Gripping her hand like an anchor, he whispered, “Having you here means everything to me, my Rose. I don’t know how I’d get through this without you.”
Roseline smiled. “We’ll get through it together.” She kissed his forehead. “Now close your eyes, love. I’ll watch over you.”
Callan let his heavy eyelids drift shut, comforted by her presence.
Roseline directed the movers carrying the heavy boxes into the new apartment, trying her best to stay out of their way as they hauled furniture and belongings up the stairs. It was a warm fall day, and the sunlight streaming in through the open windows made the bare rooms seem bright and full of potential.
As Roseline stepped around a bookshelf being maneuvered down the hallway, she caught a glimpse of Callan through the living room window. He was standing on the sidewalk below, chatting and laughing with their friends Brandon and Noelle. The morning light framed Callan’s handsome profile perfectly as he threw his head back with an easy smile.
Roseline felt a rush of love and pride well up inside her chest seeing him like that—carefree and happy, with no evidence remaining of the terrible ordeal he had suffered just months ago when he’d taken a bullet. His recovery since then had been nothing short of miraculous.
They had decided to find a cozy apartment together not too far from where they worked but in a neighborhood away from the constant crowds and tourists. This fresh start in a new place felt symbolic to Roseline—a chance to leave behind the darkness and trauma of the past year and step forward into a life filled with light.
Between Callan’s ongoing rehab sessions, the pressures of work, and bouncing between two different apartments, finding a space of their own where they could settle in together seemed like the best solution. And with the support of her closest friends, especially Hayden, Roseline could keep it together and power through.
As she finished instructing the movers on where to deposit the latest load of boxes, she felt two strong arms wrap around her waist from behind. She smiled and leaned back into Callan’s broad, solid chest, savoring his comforting warmth and presence.
“Have you scouted out the perfect spot for our bed yet?” he murmured playfully into her ear.
Laughing, Roseline took him by the hand and led him toward the bedroom at the back of the apartment. She pointed to a cozy nook formed by two large windows overlooking the trees below.