Page 16 of Olivia
“That’s what you’re paying the big bucks for.” She laughed, then her eyes went wide “Oh, no.”
He followed her gaze.
A curve was coming up in the road, but the cartseemed to be set on going forward. And there were still no visible controls of any kind.
He grumbled his annoyance.
“I have an idea,” she chirped happily, as if there were no consequences if it didn’t work. “Let’s lean into it.”
It wasn’t a terrible idea. And he supposed the center wouldn’t really let any harm come to them. The worst they could do would be to delay things a bit.
“Sure,” he said, thinking about being alone with the girl and hoping any delays would be minimal.
Keeping his arm around her, he leaned in the direction of the curve, pulling her with him.
As she’d predicted, the cart followed their movement.
Olivia laughed in delight, leaning further and further to help them get all the way around the turn. They spent the next few minutes leaning into more turns and laughing their heads off.
He wasn’t fully convinced it was necessary - the cart might have followed the curves in the road anyway. But it wasfun. It reminded him of riding home from the weekly parish lesson in the back of the farm conveyance with his brothers and sisters. His parents drove fast in order to be home and to bed in time to get up early for chores. Stark and his siblings would take advantage of the speed and lean into the curves like this, shamelessly trying to smush each other while their father shouted at them from the front seat.
“Oh wow,” Olivia sang out.
The curve ahead of them was too sharp. There was no way the cart could handle it.
“Hold on,” he told her.
She scrambled half into his arms and they held each other as the cart left the path, leaping over the hedges and then landing at hover height on the next part of the curve.
“Wooooooooooo,” Olivia screamed, delighted.
Stark laughed out loud, feeling his heart soar.
But right ahead of them, the road rose up to form a loop that would turn them completely upside down at the top. It was like something out of an amusement ride.
“Is that…?” Olivia breathed.
“We don’t have nearly enough speed to make it,” Stark realized out loud. “We have to be going much, much faster.”
“How?” Olivia asked.
They couldn’t get much closer. She was already plastered to him.
“I’m not sure,” he admitted.
“I have an idea,” she said, a mischievous look in her eyes.
He felt like a teenager, his hormones zapping out of control at her nearness. Before he could stop her, she was strapping out of her harness and climbing into his lap.
“You need your harness,” he said. “If we pull this off, we’ll be upside down.”
But she was already straddling him and wrapping her arms around his neck.
The cart sped up instantly, sealing her body to his with the acceleration. She giggled, which sent her body moving against his in a way that had him blistering with sudden lust.
“Hold on,” he growled, wrapping her up in his arms instinctively.
If they weren’t in this blasted cart he would take her now. He wanted to lick her laughing mouth and bury himself inside her, make her squeal and moan with ungodly pleasure.