Page 24 of Olivia
She blinked up at him and the innocence in her eyes was like fuel to the fire of his lust.
“You have to tell me you agree,” he told her. “Or nothing can happen.”
“Yes,” she murmured.
“Oberon, privacy mode on,” he growled.
“Privacy mode confirmed,” Oberon’s voice replied.
Instantly, he moved to undress her, sliding the tunic over her head and tugging her tights down her legs.
She gasped, but helped him, lifting her feet so that he could fling the tights away.
Kneeling at her feet, he drank her in, feeling wild with need.
She was lovely, soft, and small, with hips that flaredout from her waist. Her breasts were tipped with sugary pink, he couldn’t wait to suck them into her mouth.
He pressed his nose to her navel, inhaling her delicious scent. Olivia whimpered lightly and the sound went straight to his cock. He moved downward slightly, nuzzling the scrap of satin separating his face from her sex.
“Stark,” she whispered, sounding almost scandalized.
Something about the way she said it made him wild with lust. He tore the fabric down her legs impatiently, and nuzzled her again, flicking his tongue out to trace her seam.
She tasted incredible.
“Oh,” Olivia choked out, sounding almost surprised at the sensation.
He spread her gently with his hands and slowly licked her opening, savoring the spicy flavor of her need. Her little hands found his shoulders, nails sinking into his skin, the slight bite flaring his lust further.
He groaned against her sex and applied himself in earnest, licking and sucking, exploring every part of her except the firm little pearl that throbbed and stiffened for him.
Olivia wiggled and moaned, clearly chasing her pleasure but unable to find it until he decided to give it to her. When she was trembling and gasping for breath he pulled back slowly and looked up at her.
Her little breasts were swollen, the tips even prettier than before now that they were tightened and beggingfor his touch. But the expression in her eyes held him transfixed.
She gazed down at him, breathing hard, lips slightly parted.
Most females would be begging, or berating him for stopping, but she only looked at him in wonder.
“Is it okay?” he asked her.
She nodded slowly without speaking.
“Does it feel good to you? Do you want me to do something differently?” he asked. “What do you like?”
“I… I don’t know,” she said softly.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” he demanded.
His own lust was muddling his head, but surely she wasn’t saying she didn’t know or care what happened to her in bed.
“I’ve never… I-I never did this before,” she said.
“You never did what before?” he asked, shaking his head.
“Any of it,” she said, looking down in shame. “I’ve never done any of it.”