Page 27 of Olivia
“Does it tickle?” he whispered into the place where her shoulder met her neck, letting her feel his rough jaw.
“Yes,” she whispered. “But it feels good.”
He licked her skin, tasting salt and sweetness at the same time, and began to suck gently.
Olivia hummed with pleasure.
Slowly, he trailed his lips down to her breasts, stopping to cup one gently in his hand.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, watching the nipple stiffen as his glided the pad of his thumb over it, barely touching.
“Oh,” she sighed.
He licked it into his mouth, pride in his chest as she whimpered and arched her back for more.
He lavished her breasts with attention, moving from one to the other until he felt her hips begin to shiver.
He pulled back, feasting his eyes on her as she gazed up at him, her eyes hazy with lust.
“Stark,” she whispered brokenly. “Please.”
Something about it tugged at his heart.
“Let’s try,” he told her tenderly.
Her smile was radiant. He hoped he could be gentle enough not to hurt her more than was absolutely necessary.
He slipped out of bed and quickly removed his clothing. When he turned back, he could see her eyes on him, a flicker of fear ghosting on her face before she realized he was watching.
“I’m okay,” she told him bravely. “I want to do this.”
“Let’s make sure you’re really ready,” he told her.
Olivia felt almost feverish with need.
She had experienced desire before, a warm flash of awareness when she noticed a cute guy in the streets, or the pull of pleasure she felt when she read one of her romances.
But the need she felt now was so far beyond those things that it was like something altogether different.
Stark was obviously very experienced if he could make her feel this way. She shouldn’t be terrified at the size of him. Surely he hadn’t killed any of his previous partners.
Don’t think about it,she told herself.You want a baby and you’re willing to do whatever it takes. This won’t be as bad as some of the things they did at the clinic.
“Let’s make sure you’re really ready,” he said, a half-smile on his handsome face.
Before she could try to figure out what that meant, he was pressing her thighs apart and moving between them,nuzzling her sex and inhaling as if he wanted to devour the scent of her.
She should have been embarrassed, but it felt so good, soright.
“Just relax and let me taste you again,” he growled.
It was easier to relax this time, lying on the big, soft bed.
She closed her eyes as if that would help her bear the strangely pleasant sensations she knew were coming.