Page 34 of Olivia
“Go on,” she told him. “Do your security protocol.”
“You meanlookat who it is first?” he asked. “That’s hardly a protocol.”
“You can frisk them before you let them in if you want,” she said, shrugging. “It’s all up to you.”
She was kidding, but his frown only deepened. He marched off for the door before she could explain that it was a joke.
“Hello,” the woman on the other side said, once Stark had satisfied himself that it wasn’t an enemy battalion. “I’m Dr. Pan, here for the daily health check.”
“Please come in,” Stark said politely.
Olivia couldn’t help noticing that Dr. Pan was Terran, and also not much older than Olivia herself.
It was rare for a Terran to be in a respected position like doctor for an intergalactic facility, especially a female Terran, and even more to be so young. Olivia smiled at the other woman, feeling an instant affinity for her.
“You must be Olivia,” Dr. Pan said, her black hair brushing her shoulders as she crossed the room.
“Yes,” Olivia said, offering her hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“You as well,” Dr. Pan said. “Did you sleep well?”
“Yes,” Olivia said. “Very well.”
Her cheeks heated as she realized the significance of what she had just implied. But Dr. Pan merely nodded, as if this was exactly what she had expected.
“How are you feeling today?” Dr. Pan asked.
“Fine,” Olivia said.
“And how is your outlook?” Dr. Pan asked. “Are you feeling happy, sad, confused?”
Olivia glanced over at Stark, feeling all of those things. Then she remembered why she was here, and the reason behind what they had done last night.
“I’m feeling really hopeful,” she replied.
“That’s great,” Dr. Pan told her with a wide smile. “If you’re ready, I’ll take some readings now.”
Olivia nodded.
Stark moved closer to observe as Dr. Pan pulled a sensor from the pocket of her lab coat. Olivia held still as Dr. Pan held the sensor to her forehead. A hologram lifted out of the doctor’s bracelet and she scanned it.
“Temperature is normal,” she said. “Heart rate is normal, blood pressure is normal, blood sugar is a bit unstable - I’m guessing you didn’t eat much last night?”
Olivia shook her head, feeling mortified that she had leapt into bed with Stark and they hadn’t even cleaned up their plates. Though someone must have, since they weren’t here this morning…
“Time for breakfast then,” Dr. Pan said with a smile. “There’s a tray of pastries on the counter that you can dig into when your check is done.”
Olivia’s stomach grumbled appreciatively.
Dr. Pan’s fingers danced in the air and the hologram shimmered and flashed as if it were taking down her notes.
“Would you be able to tell if I… if we…?” Olivia asked, suddenly not able to get the words out.
“I’m very sorry, Olivia,” Dr. Pan said turning to her. “But you are not pregnant at this time.”
Olivia felt her heart break and pleaded with herself not to start bawling.
“To be perfectly honest with you, it would be very rare for you to be expecting after only one night at the center,” Dr. Pan told her. “It has happened, but only a handful times, so it’s worth checking for. Maltaffians require a basic bond of comfort before they can impregnate a partner, and it’s difficult to make that happen in a day.”