Page 4 of Olivia
What if I could talk with the Cosmax-9 AI and restore my fertility at the same time?
The idea made her smile in spite of the crushing news she’d had today.
Maybe it’s meant to be,she told herself as she got ready for bed.Maybe everything will work out just the way it’s supposed to after all.
Olivia approached the glass doors of the clinic the next morning, feeling like she could fly.
She had done a few things to get ready this morning, including moving all her remaining credits into a hidden account—not that there was much in there to hide, but it never hurt to be prepared.
Now all she had to do was play her part.
The scanner at the front entrance dinged, sending the sealed doors swooshing open. She stepped inside, inhaling the peppermint scent and admiring the gleaming marble floors and snowy white modular furniture, just like she had the very first time she had come to this clinic.
“You look great,” the admin at the desk remarked, seeming surprised.
“I have a really good feeling about this cycle,” Olivia confided with a big smile.
The admin’s eyes widened in alarm, and Oliviainwardly congratulated herself on her excellent acting skills.
“Have a seat,” the admin said.
Olivia scanned the waiting room and chose a chair that was directly between two other patients. One of them seemed to have brought her grandmother. The elderly lady was smiling faintly, her right hand dancing on a holo-knitting pattern that floated above her bracelet.
A moment later, Sarsai arrived.
Sarsai was the head nurse, a sweet woman with a large bosom who always wore scrubs with hopeful messages on them.
Today her top was emblazoned with the slogan:
Choose Happy.
Normally Olivia was annoyed by the overly chipper messages, but today she decided to lean in and only smiled even wider as the nurse approached.
“Olivia Sinclair,” Sarsai said in a questioning tone that almost made it seem like she was calling out a random name.
Olivia was sure that Sarsai knew exactly who she was. None of the nurses would soon forget the terrible patient who destroyed the waiting room decor and then cried so hard they had to take her into a back room so she didn’t disturb the other patients.
Sarsai was only pretending not to know her to be kind.
“Hi,” Olivia called out cheerfully.
“Hi there,” the woman said, smiling warmly. “Whydon’t you come on back to the office with me, and we’ll have a look at your results?”
So, telling reception she had agood feelinghad gotten her exactly what she’d hoped for, a private space for her conversation with the nurse.
“Oh, wow, okay,” Olivia said with a big smile. “I love your top. Great message.”
Sarsai looked so pleased that Olivia felt terrible about her lie for a moment. But the friendly nurse would never know it wasn’t the truth.
“It’s important to stay positive in this business,” Sarsai said as they walked back past reception to one of the private offices. “After all, it’s not a race.”
So she definitely knew Olivia’s result already.