Page 51 of Olivia
“Oppyx should have let me post my men on the inside,” he said to himself. “This is all too showy. How did I miss that?”
One of the women at the table turned to him, but before she could speak everyone else gasped.
On the feed, one of the men with torches accidentally set fire to another man’s sign, and the hair of the woman beside him. The woman began screaming and running through the crowd, her long hair flying in the wind, and alighting more signs and bits of clothing as she ran.
Pandemonium broke out in an instant. Within seconds, the wind had blown a fiery sign into one of the wood frame houses on the little street. It lit up instantly, setting the one next to it alight as well as the protesters screamed and ran away from the center toward the houses.
Stark was on his comms before anyone else had a chance to react. He’d seen what could happen when a situation like this got out of hand. As a soldier, he’d watched, helpless as good people died because the people in charge failed make the right decision.
Well now he was in charge, and he wasn’t about to let it happen again.
“Bitzer, we’ve got to help these people,” he told his team leader. “Send the drones with water, I’ll get Oppyx to open the gates so you and the guys can get out there.”
“Already on it,” Bitzer replied. “But the AI won’t release the drones.”
“He what?” Stark asked, already jogging for the doors.
“Gates are opening,” Bitzer said. “I’m gonna get the team out there, boss. See if you can get me those drones. We’re gonna need ‘em.”
Stark was heading for the doors as he pinged Oppyx.
“Stark,” she said.
“Release the damned drones,” he told her. “Now.”
“I cannot release the drones,” Oberon answered before Oppyx could reply. “My primary directive is to protect the Center and its patients and staff.”
“Not anymore it’s not,” Stark retorted.
“That’s not how this works,” Oppyx said over the comms, her voice sounding strained.
“Then these people were right to protest,” Stark said, ending the comm.
He ran for the doors, racking his brain on how to get enough water out to the street before every single house out there went up in flames.
How many people’s lives were in danger right now?
At least Olivia is safe inside, he thought to himself.
Olivia followed Dr. Oppyx out of the server room when the shouting started.
The doctor was headed for the cafeteria again, speaking to Stark on her comms as she fled. But the conversation seemed to end abruptly before Olivia could figure out what was happening.
“What’s going on?” she demanded.
“There’s a fire in the town,” Dr. Oppyx said grimly. “One of the protesters’ torches flared in the wind. The people out there are in trouble.”
“What did you mean when you saidthat’s not how this works?” Olivia asked.
Dr. Oppyx stopped running and faced Olivia.
“I know this isn’t what you want to hear,” she said. “But it’s the truth. Oberon is many things, but he’s not human. Right now, as much as we would like for him to release the drones over the center and send them into the town with water to douse the flames, he can’t.”
“He can’t?” Olivia echoed. “Why not?”