Page 59 of Olivia
“We probably have only a few minutes,” he told her.
“Until what?” she asked him, mystified.
But she couldn’t hear what he said next over the rush of the blood in her own ears as raw desire filled her senses again.
The frenzy…
But there was no room in her mind for thoughts as she scrambled on top of him, wrapping her limbs around him and desperately trying to satiate the ravenous beast inside her.
He guided her onto him, chuckling low, and pleasure lit her up all over again as they surrendered themselves to the demands of their bond.
Olivia awoke to the beauty of soft morning light outside the window.
For a moment she wasn’t sure what had happened. Her body was exhausted yet ecstatic. And she was ravenous…
Blinking and sitting up, she saw the state of the room and it all came back to her. Clothing was strewn everywhere and furniture was askew. She and Stark had lost themselves to the mayhem of the mating frenzy without a single care for the room, or even the world around them.
Feeling her cheeks heat, she turned to look at Stark who was just beginning to stir on the bed beside her, spread eagle with his dark hair wild and tangled. She remembered wrapping her hands in it and stroking his horns and felt her whole body warm.
Get it together,she told herself.You’ve got to get out of this bed, clean up, and eat something.
It had been days, she could sense it, though she wasn’t sure how many. She had vague memories of going to therefresher and drinking from the shower nozzle before Stark joined her and they fell under the thrall on the cold tiles, water still beating down on them as they shivered and moaned with pleasure.
She had just slipped out of bed and was starting to bend and grab some of the mess on the floor, when she realized shecouldn’tbend over.
She straightened, moving to the floor length mirror beside the bed. Gasping at the sight, she placed both hands on her distended belly.
“Olivia,” Stark whispered. “What is it?”
“Look,” she said, unable to move.
“Sweet gods,” he said, leaping from the bed and wrapping his arms around her from behind to caress her belly.
The reflection was strange and sweet.
Olivia’s hair was as tousled as his and she looked stunned. Her belly was so enormous that she was certain the birth couldn’t be far off. Stark’s green skin contrasted with hers, and his big hands made her belly look smaller.
Inside her, the baby moved, shifting and then kicking Stark’s hands.
He caught his breath in surprise.
Tears began to slide down Olivia’s cheeks.
“What’s wrong, my love?” Stark asked. “Does that hurt?”
“No,” she said, shaking her head and trying to stop her crying.
“Are you frightened?” he asked. “Does it feel too fast?”
“No,” she gasped. “N-no…”
“Did I hurt you during the thrall?” His voice was low and horrified.
“I-I’m just so h-happy,” she sobbed.