Page 6 of Olivia
A few minutes later, a diminutive lady with short, dark hair appeared in the doorway.
“Come with me, Miss Sinclair,” she said briskly, turning on her heel and heading down the hallway without waiting to see if Olivia would follow.
Olivia scrambled after her. The woman led her to a sumptuous office with floating chairs and a wall of glass overlooking the city park with a view of the fountain.
“Since you’re unable to pay for another session at this time, I’m conducting an outtake survey,” the woman said crisply. “When you signed on with us, you agreed toanswer a series of simple questions when your treatment was over.”
Disappointed, Olivia nodded. She had agreed to that. Though at the time she had assumed she would be sitting here pregnant when she was answering.
“I see from your intake that you were in excellent health before your first treatment,” the woman said, her eyes scanning the holo-screen in front of her. “Is that still true?”
“Yes,” Olivia said.
“Can you tell me why you won’t be continuing treatments with us?” the woman asked.
“I’m out of funds,” Olivia said, wondering if the woman was joking. She obviously knew the answer to that question already.
“Is there an intended match or significant other who might be willing to help fund further treatments?” the woman asked.
“No,” Olivia said flatly.
Though if her mother had her way, there would be…
She tried not to think about that.
“No intended match, or not one with funds to contribute?” the woman asked, looking over at her.
“Neither,” Olivia confirmed.
“So, you are healthy, single, and unattached?” the woman asked, her eyes suddenly sparkling with interest.
“Yes,” Olivia said, feeling a little affronted.
“And that hair,” the woman said with a frown. “Is it natural?”
“It’s an enhancement,” Olivia said, tossing her long, bright pink hair over her shoulder.
Even if this silly woman was trying to imply that Olivia didn’t have an intended match because of her pink hair, she didn’t care. Olivia had felt at peace the minute the enhancement was completed. She loved her hair. It made her feel like herself.
“Do you have family members with the means to assist with funds for treatment?” the woman asked.
“No,” Olivia said.
Her mother’s funds would come with strings They weren’t for treatment. Her mom was buying something else…
“Good,” the woman said in a pleased way. “Then I have an option for you to consider.”
Olivia’s heart began to pound.
“I’ll do it,” she said quickly.
“Don’t you want to know what it is?” the woman asked, her eyebrows lifting.
“Sure,” Olivia said. “I’d love to hear more. But it doesn’t really matter what it is. I want a baby, so whatever it is, I’ll do it.”
The woman smiled and tapped her bracelet.
“Excellent,” she said. “Let’s just sign a quick non-disclosure agreement and I’ll tell you everything.”