Page 6 of ‘Til You Came Along
The end of summer quickly fades into a brisk and beautiful Autumn. The trees begin to show evidence of the rapidly changing seasons. Leaves of yellows and orange began to coat the campus and fill my heart with excitement for all that fall will bring.
About a month into the school year, I am thriving in this new routine and excelling in my classes. I truly feel like I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
My tutoring job is going great, and I get along really well with the other students that work with me. On Mondays, I go to the private school in town with another freshman and tutor middle schoolers. On Fridays, I stay in the library for the open hours held by the tutoring team for anyone that needs it. Not too many show up on Fridays, but it is still pretty early in the school year. Although, I don’t mind the days the library is mostly empty as it gives me the quiet time to help me stay on top of my assignments.
Ana is majoring in a degree for Marketing and Digital Media, but she has to get the fundamental classes out of the way first. We have a few classes together during the week and those are my favorite times. I only have one class with Decker and outside of the classroom, we continue to steer clear of each other. Occasionally I will pass him in halls or on sidewalks, and he makes it a point to glare at me. I usually smile back as sarcastically as I can or I just ignore him.
Ana and I work out a dinner schedule where we alternate days to cook and always make enough food for lunch the next day. I love the days when she brings home food from the restaurant after her shift. But there are some days I just grab a sandwich or meal from the coffee shop on campus.
I am sitting at a table—in the coffee shop—reading a textbook for my curriculum development class. Exciting stuff. Not even being sarcastic. This class specifically teaches ways that we can increase student engagement in classrooms and also improve student successes and achievements. I firmly believe that not every person learns the same way and that needs to be taken into consideration when coming up with lesson plans and also lesson executions.
“Education Major?” A smooth voice asks, pulling me away from the words on the page as I turn and face a handsome guy standing next to my table.
“Yeah.” I smile shyly.
“Me too, I took that class last year and I loved it,” He says with an easy smile. His light blue eyes lighting his face up. Holy handsome.
“I’m only a few weeks in, but it’s been great so far!” I respond. “So you’re a sophomore?”
He nods. “Freshman?” He asks with a finger pointing towards me. I nod with another smile.
“I’m Lucas,” He says, extending his hand towards me.
I shake it as I say, “I’m Madeline.” We end up talking for about an hour until we both have to leave. As we’re saying goodbye, he pauses. “Uhm, would you like to get dinner with me sometime this week?” He asks.
“I would love to,” I answer, keeping my voice calm and casual. Internally I am trying not to jump up and down with glee. We exchange numbers before saying goodbye.
In the days that lead up to our date, I find myself both nervous and excited. Ana helps me get ready, doing my hair and picking out my clothes.
And it went really well.
He picked me up and we went to an Italian restaurant in the next town over. Conversation was great. He paid, even though I was prepared to pay my half. I love chivalry even if I am a loud and proud feminist. He drove me home and walked me to the door.
“I had such a great time with you, Madeline,” Lucas tells me once we get to the closed door. I look down at my feet and smile. “Seriously, you’re so easy to talk to and I really like being with you.”
“Me too,” I say, looking back up at him.
“I would love to do it again sometime…” He trails off, his eyes searching mine for agreement.
“Me too,” I say again with a small smile, feeling my cheeks heat. He smiles at me before slowly coming closer. My breath catches in my throat. I try to play it cool as he gently touches his lips to mine before pulling away.
“Goodnight, Madeline,” He says, taking a step backwards.
“Goodnight, Lucas. Thank you for tonight,” I say, biting my lip slightly to hide the huge smile threatening to take over my face. He waves before getting in his car and driving away.
It’s been a while since I’ve enjoyed the company of a guy in a ‘more than friends’ way.
The morning after the date we meet in the coffee shop before class. It becomes our thing, meeting in the mornings before we have class. Our schedules don’t line up perfectly, but it works out for us most mornings.
“So why do you want to become a teacher?” I ask him, then blow lightly on my steaming cup of coffee. He sits across from me at a small round table in the coffee shop.
“My little sister is actually dyslexic and had the hardest time in school. I used to help her study and tutor her.” He takes a sip before continuing, “I started to love it. I’m thinking about maybe even teaching in special education specifically.” I try not to gape at him and drool over his perfectness. “What?” He asks, noticing my staring.
“Nothing.” I close my mouth quickly. “You’re just…pretty incredible.” I smile at him.
“Nah,” He brushes me off with a coy smile.
“Yeah, yeah. You know it too.” I laugh and he joins in.