Page 21 of ‘Til I Reach You
“She has even shadowed my mom so many times, trying to figure out what she’s doing wrong.” I sigh. “She just has this super power now.”
“The super power of messing up cooking rice?” David asks, eyebrow raised.
“Yes.” I grin and smile again.
We keep up the casual conversation for a while, waiting to be rescued. But it doesn’t feel forced or uncomfortable. It almost feels natural. Nice, I guess.
We finally hear a groaning and a few bangs before a man’s voice comes through on the speaker. “The crew is here, they’re opening the doors now. Please stand against the far wall.”
We both stand up and lean against the wall, listening to the clacks and bangs coming from the otherside of the door.
“If the elevator is caught between two floors, I’m waiting because I’m not about to get cut in half trying to get out,” I mutter. David laughs.
“No, that makes perfect sense, and I agree,” he says.
I look at him and laugh. “Still no service?” I ask.
We’ve checked a few times over the last thirty or so minutes, and even tried texting and calling but nothing was going through.
David pulls his phone out of his pocket. “Oh I actually have a bar.” He taps on it and holds it up to his ear.
“Elliot,” he says suddenly and I turn to him, excited for some outside contact. “Yeah, I’m in the elevator with Ana. Yeah, in your building. We’re stuck, we’ve been here for a while.” Silence while he listens to whatever Elliot is saying. I watch him, waiting patiently. “Yeah…no they’re working on it now.”
I bend down to pick up my heels. “Yeah she’s…hold on.” He lowers his phone and puts it on speaker. “You’re on speaker.”
“Ana! Are you okay?” I hear Maddie’s panicked voice. “We’re walking down the stairs, we’re coming to find you.”
“I’m okay, pollito,” I assure her. She starts talking again but her voice starts cracking before cutting off completely.
“Call dropped,” David mutters. “I might beg Madeline for some of that lasagna, I’m so hungry right now.”
“You won’t have to beg,” I say with a smile. “I’m sure she’ll be doting on us after all of this.”
He laughs. We listen some more to the grinding and banging before the door eventually cracks and we hear a man's voice say, “Almost there, hang tight.”
A few minutes later they have something holding the doors open. We’re just a few inches raised from the floor.
“I think it’s safe enough and we won’t get our bodies chopped in half,” David jokes. I look up to him grinning.
“You read my mind.” I laugh as we walk forward and out towards freedom. Maddie and Elliot turn a corner, see us then rush towards us. In true Maddie fashion, she looks frantic.
“Are you okay?” she cries.
“We’re fine, we’re fine. Just tired and hungry,” I say. David agrees.
“Okay, come on, let's go eat some lasagna. That will make everything better.” I laugh and look up to smile at David beside me.
“See? No begging required,” I joke. He laughs.
“You were right,” he responds and I smile again.
“Well let’s go celebrate not being cut in half,” I joke.
“I mean, that would have made a fun story to tell at Thanksgiving this year,” he says with a grin and I chuckle before looking away, towards Maddie and Elliot. Maddie’s mouth is parted slightly and she watches our brief interaction with slight surprise and…wonder almost? I furrow my brows at her.
“You okay, amor?” I ask her.
She closes her mouth and nods, smiling slightly. Her eyes are big and watching, maybe even a bit glassy. “Yeah…yeah I’m great.” She smiles and loops her arm around me and pulls me forward. The guys follow us.