Page 56 of ‘Til I Reach You
“That’s not true,” he argues.
“How is it not true?” I say loudly. “It takes little to no effort to just put the laundry where it’s supposed to go. You just don’t care enough to do it.”
“I do the laundry also,” he says, hands going to his hips.
“Did I ever say that you don’t?” I exclaim, my arms going wide. “Don’t change the subject or try to justify something irrelevant. I didn’t say that you don’t help with the laundry, I’m frustrated that you are content to do a half-ass job at something I’ve asked you repeatedly, nicely, agonizingly, to do.”
He looks up at the ceiling and takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. He hangs his head, “I’m sorry.”
“I don’t want to hear that you’re sorry. You’re always sorry,” I yell again, “But sorry doesn’t mean a damn thing if nothing changes.”
His head starts nodding, as he keeps looking at the ground. “You’re right. You’re absolutely right.” He looks up at me then. His eyes are full of apology and sincerity, no amusement or teasing to be seen. “You’re right and I’m truly sorry. I will be more intentional. With my laundry, with the…stuff I leave around the apartment. With what I say I’m going to do.”
I stare at him. Part of me is still riled up and wants to keep fighting, but the other part of me knows he’s being sincere and that he doesn’t intentionally do these things to bother me. He never had to worry about this stuff because either his mom did it, or their housekeeper did. Spoiled rich kid.
But I also am not the kind of person who holds grudges. Either I don’t care enough to give people that kind of power over me, or I forgive and move on. For Hayden, the man that I love who only ever tries to care for and love me, forgiving him is easy.
“I can see it starting,” he says and starts walking slowly over to me with a sly smile like he’s approaching a wild animal. I try to bite down on my own smile. “The forgiveness is coming because you love me and because you’ll never give up on me.” Closer and closer he stalks with his stupid little grin. “Because you’re too good for me and you make me a better man just by loving me.”
I start backing away now, but he pounces and catches me around the waist. I shriek as he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. He runs us back to my bedroom and throws us both on the bed.
“You’re so annoying,” I laugh. He pushes my curls out of my face and smiles. “But I’m serious, Hayden. Please just freakin’ try a little bit. I know they’re small and silly things?—”
“They’re not small and silly if they matter to you. You were right and I’m sorry. I will do better,” he promises and leans down to kiss the tip of my nose. I sigh and look up at him.
“I can’t ever stay mad at you.”
“Thank goodness for that.” He sighs, “I couldn’t survive your wrath for long.”
I laugh. “Always so dramatic.”
“Just honest.” He leans down again to kiss me. I kiss him back and feel that warmth building in my stomach, spreading and filling me completely. That burning feeling I felt for him a year ago burns just as bright, just as hot. His hand caresses my face and then moves to my neck where he rests it gently, feeling my pulse. Then it starts to trail lower. Lower and lower…
“I think we’ll need to do more laundry,” he whispers.
“Why?” I play along.
“Because all of our clothes are coming off now,” he murmurs against my lips.
I gasp jokingly, pulling away. “Hayden! That’s so forward.” I smirk, repeating our little joke that never gets old.
He kisses me in response and we melt into each other, fitting together perfectly, as we always have.
“Oh wow, it’s so much better than it was the last time I was here,” I say, arms crossed over my thick jacket and looking up at the once old and decrepit house. The siding has been completely repainted. There were some areas that needed to be replaced completely, but they managed to salvage a lot
“I know, who knew, right?” David says beside me.
“I knew, you two faithless buffoons,” Maddie calls from a few feet away, unloading a few bags from the back of Elliot’s truck.
I hear Elliot’s quiet laugh and his joking scolding of, “Mads.”
“You should see her in the teachers meetings,” David whispers to me.
I look up at him, his brown eyes are set on me. “You need to record them, and send it to me and Elliot.”