Page 65 of ‘Til I Reach You
We cheer their team on when they make a goal or successful blocks, and we groan when the other team scores. But when David makes the winning goal, I jump to my feet with Maddie, cheering insanely loud! David celebrates with his team, Elliot clapping him on the back. I put my fingers to my mouth and whistle loudly. David then turns to look towards the noise, sees me and Maddie jumping and cheering and he smiles widely.
He extracts himself from his celebratory teammates and starts walking over to the path that leads to the stands. Elliot was already on his way so they walk the last few feet together.
Maddie jumps into Elliot’s arms when he reaches her and he holds her tight with a smile on his face. “Ah, you’re so sweaty,” she whines and he starts wiping his face all over hers which makes her shriek and laugh.
“Ana,” David says, grinning when he gets to me.
“David.” I smile back. His eyes dip slowly to my feet before he shoots them back up and keeps them on mine. “I know, I forgot a change of clothes.”
“No, no, you look really good,” he says a little bit nervously but kindly. My heart flutters slightly at his words.
“Thanks, you do too,” I say, surprising myself and evidently surprising him too because his eyes go wider than his smile. I clear my throat and say, “You were incredible.” He waves his hand as if to say ‘nah’, but I continue, “No, don’t do that. You’re seriously incredible,” I commend him.
He lets out a long breath and says, “Thank you.”
“You going to shower before we head out?” Elliot asks, him and Maddie come to stand next to us.
“Yeah, I smell myself and it’s…terrible,” David jokes. We laugh and the guys head off towards one of the doors with a few other players. Maddie and I make our way through the mass of people to the lobby. We stand next to one of the high rise tables scattered around an eating area and wait for the guys to be finished.
“How long has Elliot played with him?” I ask her.
She thinks for a minute, “A few months? I think?”
“He enjoys it?”
“Yeah I think he does. I know he misses baseball and just…playing something. He seemed really excited the first time David invited him to play.” She smiles.
“That’s so sweet.”
A few minutes later, Elliot comes up behind Maddie and places a kiss on the side of her face and says, “Ready?” She nods and gathers her stuff.
David comes up on my other side and we start walking toward the door when someone stops us, well they stop David to start gushing over how good he was in the game. And by someone I mean a perky brunette with big blue eyes and perfectly styled hair. She’s gorgeous, and she might have been an incredibly nice person, but the way she talks to David and keeps placing her hand on his arm makes me unnecessarily and surprisingly annoyed.
David answers her politely as she keeps paying him compliments. He is smiling warmly and being kind, but maybe a little bit uncomfortable. Elliot, Maddie and I stand just a foot away but this woman acts as if they are the only two people in the room. I can feel Maddie and Elliot throwing side glances at me but I can’t stop staring at this interaction. At this woman.
I think this is…jealousy I feel? It feels weird. I’ve never really been the jealous type before. Ever. Maybe it sounds conceited, but I really didn’t have a reason to be. I’ve always been a confident person.
I still consider myself to be confident, even as I navigate who I am now that Hayden is gone, but watching this woman who I want to throat punch makes me think that maybe I’m not as confident as I once was.
I don’t know how much time passed, but I must have been making some kind of face at them because David looks over and his expression changes immediately.
He looks surprised, then nervous. He tells her, “I really appreciate your kindness and encouragement. Thank you. I have to get going with my…” He gestures towards the three of us waiting for him, the woman’s eyes go wide as she looks at me looking at her, “But have a good night.” He’s kind, but dismissive.
I fix my face and put a strained smile on, covering whatever must have been on it a minute ago. What kind of faces are made when you’re jealous? Was I scowling? Mean-mugging? Looking at her with disgust? Oh, I hope not. Now I feel embarrassed. Which is another stupid emotion I used to never feel.
“Sorry,” David says after he’s rejoined our little group. “Ready?”
“Yeah, let’s go,” Maddie says brightly, always trying to play peacemaker and make everyone else feel comfortable. I watch my feet as we walk out of the building into the chilled air.
“Can I walk with you?” David asks me. I nod with a tight smile as we both walk towards my car. I see Maddie trying to catch my eyes as we walk away, like she’s trying to make sure I’m okay with all of this. I am.
I think I am.
We get to my car and he says quietly, “I’m so sorry.”
I turn to look at him, “F-for what?”
“I—that woman, I don’t know her,” he says, his voice earnest. “I was just trying to be kind.”