Page 39 of Filthy Alpha
My mother’s eyes narrow, and her face screws up into an expression that I know well. She’s about to tell me exactly what she thinks of me, and she’s going to do it in a way that will bite and hurt my feelings, at least, she thinks it will.
In reality, this cunt hasn’t been able to hurt my feelings since my balls dropped and I walked out of her life. It’s been so long since I’ve even been this close to her that I don’t recognize her. She’s a fucking stranger, so whatever she is preparing to say, I don’t give much of a fuck about.
“You’re a selfish prick,” she seethes. “You care about money, and we live in poverty. You don’t care about your family. You are worthless. No wonder you’re still alone. No kids. No fucking life.”
I cross my arms over my chest, dipping my chin slightly to look down at her. “That’s rich coming from you,” I say. “I’d rather be alone with no kids than neglect and abuse the ones I have like you did. But I don’t give a fuck what you think about me. I want to know where the fuck my money is.”
My words grow louder as I say them, and by the time I get to the end of my sentence, I’m shouting.
That’s when my stepfather decides to rise to his feet and attempt to stand up to me. Dipping my chin, I look down into his weak, weathered eyes. I can tell he’s attempting to be a big man, but he’s just not that anymore. He doesn’t intimidate me, and in fact, with the way he appears, I feel sorry for him more than anything.
“You ain’t gettin’ no fuckin’ money,” he growls. “You ain’t even my fuckin’ kid. Thank fuck for that, too. I would probably kick my own ass if you were. Selfish prick you are.”
I let out a bark of laughter. This fucker thinks he’s funny. Pressing my lips together, I roll them a few times, then shake my head and clear my throat.
“You’re paying one way or the other. You choose, Glenn. Do I take it out on your ass, or are you gonna give me cash?”
Piston clears his throat, obviously not liking the fact that I just challenged a weak old man, but what he doesn’t know is that this weak old man took a lot out on my ass for over fifteen years, and now it’s my turn.
“Fuck you,” my stepfather grinds out, spittle flying everywhere.
Shaking my head, I flick my eyes so that my gaze meets his. “No, Glenn. Fuck. You.”
And I ball my fist, reach backward, and slam it right into the side of his face. My mother halfway screams, but I ignore her. I watch as the asshole falls to the ground and I crouch down in front of him.
“You don’t fuck with me and my money, asshole. I’m glad your bar failed, and if I were you, I’d find a way out of town and take that no-good woman with you.”
Without another word, I straighten and turn my back to them. I shouldn’t have come. I knew they didn’t have any money, likely having drunk it by now, if they had any at all. Gnaw and Piston follow behind me but don’t say anything as I walk to the truck and climb inside.
Piston shifts the truck into Reverse, then pulls away from their home in silence. We’re a few miles down the road when he clears his throat and speaks.
“You think we need to worry about retaliation?” he asks.
“They do, they’re dead,” I snap.
He dips his chin in a single nod, then clears his throat. “You prepared for that?” he asks. “Truly?”
I hum. “Yeah, I really fuckin’ am. My dad should have done away with them a long-ass time ago anyway.”
We have five kegs in the back of the truck, and we take them out to be delivered. The rest of the deliveries go well. We hit the strip club in town last. I need to have a goddamn drink and unwind before I go back to the clubhouse. What a fucking afternoon.
With the sheets washed, dried, put back on the bed, and the rest of the room picked up, cleaned, and organized, I look around the room and am really proud of my work. When I’m finished admiring everything, I glance at the clock on the small nightstand and frown.
It’s late.
Chewing on my bottom lip, I stare at that clock and wonder what I should do next. He told me to go downstairs and have a drink in the bar, but I’m not sure if I really should. I don’t know anyone down there except for that Poison woman.
I don’t have anything else to do in this room. It’s clean clean now and not just picked up. I actually found disinfectant and wood cleaner. It even smells good in here. But I don’t have anything else to do. I didn’t bring a book, and I was in such a rush my e-reader wasn’t charged completely yet, but it is plugged in.
My stomach growls, and I let out a sigh. I guess I need to go downstairs and find something to eat. Although, I’m not really sure there will be anything in this place. I feel like these guys are mostly drinking and smoking their dinner and not so much eating it... although, the way they inhaled my cupcakes earlier, maybe they do like food, too?
Leaving the bedroom, I slip out into the hall and start to make my way downstairs. I can hear the music grow louder with each step I take, along with the voices. When I appear in the room, my eyes widen at the sight in front of me.
There is a girl with her knees on the pool table, her entire body completely exposed and naked, with a man behind her… just going at it. I know that Poison said this would be happening, but holy crap, I didn’t really expect it.
I try to look away, but I can’t. I’m stuck in my spot, frozen, with my eyes glued to the way this guy is screwing this girl in the middle of the whole bar. Except I’m the only one staring at them. Nobody else gives a single shit about what’s happening around them.