Page 8 of Filthy Alpha
Brew doesn’t even have to ask me. He knows I’m down for whatever the fuck he needs. “This official club business, or is it off the books?” I ask.
He hums. “Mostly off the books.”
My lips curve up into a smile, and I dip my chin in a single nod. “Yeah. I’m good with that. Whatever you need.”
“Tomorrow night, ten. Meet me down here. We’ll head out.” He pushes off the bar and walks away.
I watch him go for a moment, right until I feel a hand touch my shoulder. Turning, I look at the fingers on my shoulder. They are long and sexy, the red nails the same. Then, there is the body that the arm is attached to. Also sexy as fuck.
“Vixen,” I murmur.
“You looked lonely all the way over here by yourself.”
“Yeah,” I mutter.
She slides around me, her hand gliding across my chest, then stops when she’s directly in front of me. Dipping my chin slightly, I look down into her eyes. They aren’t as innocent as the sweet thing at the bakery. These eyes, they’ve seen a whole lotta shit. These are the eyes that I should have looking back at me, eyes that have seen and done shit. Not sweet and innocent ones.
Lifting my hand, I wrap my fingers around the back of her neck, holding her body still for me, then lean forward, but I don’t kiss her. I won’t. She knows that. Applying pressure to the back of her neck, I push downward slightly.
She takes the guidance, her knees bending, and then she’s on the floor at my feet. Her hands reach for my belt, her tongue slides out and she licks her red lips as her hungry gaze shifts from mine to my cock.
Yeah. This is the shit I deserve. This right here, this is the shit I want.
Tears spring to my eyes at the thought of closing down my shop after less than a year. My mother is going to love this. Seriously love it. She’s going to gloat nonstop and laugh at me for being such a loser.
Pressing my lips together, I load the case for the day. Another Monday, another week of barely hanging on.
Once I’m completely loaded up and ready, I walk over to the door and unlock it, then open the blinds and flip on my light. I’ve already been at the shop for hours, baking and decorating my treats.
I never actually get to the point where I make replacements every day. I take all my cupcakes and pastries to the food bank and donate them. I can only hope that the tax deduction tickets will somehow help me at the end of the year.
Though I doubt it. I’ve sunk so much money into this place, I don’t think there is any way that anything can help me at this point. Walking behind the case, I take my phone out of my back pocket and start to search for a job.
I’m not going to have a choice. I need to find something else, except there’s nothing in Pineville. I expand my search. I could move if I had to. Couldn’t I? I hate the thought of living anywhere else but here. It causes my heart to squeeze and my stomach to flip.
I don’t even know why. I have nothing here for me. No family I’m close to, nothing after this shop. But moving to a whole other town would be hard. I wouldn’t know how I would get there. How to move my things there.
I don’t drive. Not just because I don’t have a car and can’t afford it but also because I don’t have a license. I wasn’t ever able to take permit classes or the driver’s training. My mom and whatever man she was with at the time were never going to pay for anything, and my money had bigger ideas, like this failing place.
I almost laugh at myself because if I don’t, I might cry. I’ve wasted my whole life and every cent I’ve ever earned on this dream. A dream that is nothing except a failure. Pinching my eyes closed, I suck in a deep breath and hold it for a moment.
The bell on the door rings, and I open my eyes, letting the breath out just to see that hot guy in leather from last week walk inside. He doesn’t look as angry as he did a few days ago, but when his eyes find mine, my breath hitches. I’d almost forgotten how incredibly gorgeous he is.
“Hello?” I call out.
The silence between us becomes deafening, and I can’t stand it. I start to say something else but then close my lips. I don’t know what to say. He’s back here, but I don’t know if he’s happy about it or not.
I can’t tell what he’s thinking. The way his blue eyes find mine, holding them. Then he smirks, which causes my entire body to jerk. I don’t know what it is. I’ve never felt this way about a man in my whole life, but this one causes my entire body to feel warm and tingly.
“You’re back,” I finally manage to whisper.
He smirks. “I am.”
I watch as he slowly makes his way toward the counter, his eyes never leaving mine. Then he places his palms on the glass countertop. “Need to do an order for Friday night.”