Page 17 of Monster's Mayhem
“No.” He shook his head. “But why deny myself anything else once I had been denied access to my home?”
We walked, slowly, casually as I realized Braz and Ellie were not coming with us. Of course, leaving me with Thurst was dangerous, just not in the mortality way. It was dangerous in the heart thumping, hormones activating way.
“You denied me.”
“As long as I could for your own good, yes. That worked out well, don’t you think?” He reached for my hand and held it despite my effort to pull away from him. “Now, you are the one who wishes to deny me. And for what? When there was a reason, I understood.”
“It was your reason. This is my reason.” I moved closer to him despite my words and tone. “I don’t care what my body wants. My brain knows better.”
“I think you’re thinking too much,” he teased. “After all. If your brain is in control, then it’s just a matter of time before your body will tire of me. Get bored. Lose interest.”
He licked his lips and I felt my own lips grow wet. Was I mimicking him? Yes. I was. “Maybe I should start the countdown now?”
“I think it’s best.” He stopped walking, pulled me around toward him and leaned down to say against my lips, “I think you need to use me up until you can’t actually stand the sight of me anymore. Then you can throw me away.”
“I’m going to.” It was a warning but a breathless one that seemed to only make him more interested.
“Then start now.”
His lips came down on mine with very un-Thurst like force. The sudden aggression sparked something deep within me and I was battling his tongue for control of the kiss. My hands had a mind of their own. We were barely off the path, making out at the edge of the forest like some desperate… college. Okay, so this was normal, but not normal for me.
Only, I was the one pushing him back to sit on a darkened bench that probably served as a station for some older folks to sit and feed the wildlife. “Get it out.”
“Up.” He lifted me and I understood he couldn’t get anything out of his pants if I was on his lap so close he couldn’t get them open or down.
I had on the same dress I wore this morning. My panties were not prepared for me to just rip them off, but he seemed impressed and said, “Thanks.”
“For what?” I asked as I shifted my hips, seeking that scaled, notched, braided cock of his. Maybe it wasn’t three separate sections overlapping and intertwined but they converged at the broad head and definitive crown. That pressure, the nodules, the way he fit so perfectly to hit every little button inside of me all at once was spectacular. Like he was made just for me, my body.
He grunted and then sighed as he said, “For saving me the time of removing those for you.”
I may have growled a response. I was pretty sure I heard some growling and since I was in beast mode already, it was very likely me.
“Shhhh.” Thurst wrapped his massive arms around me and held me still despite my efforts to move. “Let them pass.”
His lips against mine, I realized he had a lot more strength than he ever used with me. My insides were not compliant, though. I continued to clench and clench. I watched as his jaw tightened as his nostrils flared. He was feeling every little pulse and throb.
In the game of ‘don’t shift your hips,’ I was winning. The weres had passed us along the walkway, caught in their own argument, they didn’t spend any more time or attention on us than necessary to acknowledge we were there. I was sure they could smell us. I didn’t care. I could smell us. Intoxicating, sweet, almost decadent in our combined efforts. At least that is what it smelled like to me.
“Let go.” I made an effort to clench extra tight and he groaned. “Just let yourself go.”
He loosened his grip and I understood how much more challenging it was to stay still without the restraint of his arms. “I let go.”
Challenge accepted. I focused and clenched. He sucked in a breath and then closed his eyes. As he opened them, a smile teased the corner of his mouth. He asked, “What’s wrong, My Love? Didn’t you learn in all your studies that I can customize?”
I was trembling. He didn’t have to thrust up into me to send all those scales into motion creating a vibration throughout my body that chased up and down my spine until I was convulsing on his lap in full body spasms that had him covering my mouth with his just to swallow down my sounds, my weak screams of released pleasure. I lost. I would never forgive him for this, but as I crested that peak and my orgasm gripped him, he snapped into a painfully tight bunch of muscles until he released into me in one giant burst that seemed to escape from all the scales rather than the tip this time. I couldn’t tell. I was so tuned into that part of my body, I thought I could feel everything, but I was also crashing from my own high, so I may have simply thought that was how it happened.
My forehead to his shoulder, I breathed heavily and said, “That was not fair.”
“Nothing ever is, My Love. Nothing ever is.” He held me in his arms until we both settled from the mind-numbing bliss. I knew he meant those words because he walked me as far as he could, or should, go and smiled down at me. “Will you have lunch with me tomorrow?”
“No.” I was going to protect the heart I had given him because I had to take it back. Until my father, myself, or both of us were dead, Thurst was in danger and as much as I was going to try not to fuck him, I was going to try even harder not to break both of our hearts even more by leading him down this path.
His lips twitched and he nodded. “Earn it every day, then?”
“What?” I asked.
He shrugged. “I’m up for the challenge. And since you spent the first part of the semester stalking me, Maxine, I know exactly where to find you.” He winked and said, “See you tomorrow, My Love.”