Page 9 of Monster's Mayhem
“I think just the two we had on the plates.” He disposed of the floor mess and when he looked at me I gave him a look that indicated what I hoped I didn’t have to ask twice. “Oh. That.”
I nodded.
He shrugged. “I didn’t keep track. I just knew they weren’t you.”
I processed that. “What do you mean?”
He focused on the counter as I slid off again. My foot didn’t even hurt. I tried locating my clothes as he focused on answering my question while not looking at me.
“This is fantasyland, right? Here, I can love you the way I have wanted to love you since we met. I can let the real me spend time here with the real you and then we can bottle them back up in this magic genie bottle you have built where they can exist in our minds, but not in our real lives.” He sighed as he tossed the last of the mess in the trash. “I don’t know and they don’t matter. Max, I only ever wanted you. That’s all at matters.”
He was partly right. We were in fantasyland for right now. I’d deal with his past and why it might matter when we got back to the reality he seemed to think we would be able to return to as though none of this had happened.
“I’m going to take a shower and get this stuff out of my hair.” I looked over my shoulder as I walked toward the bathroom. “You coming with me?”
Pressed as deep inside her as I could possibly go, I moaned against her plump lips as I let the flood of my orgasm rush out of me and into her. I could only reproduce with another mer-species, so I had no worries about protection. I hadn’t been able to get past the head of my cock with other women, even when I put in the work and made them ready. It wasn’t them. It was me. It was the fact that I didn’t want to be completely absorbed by any other woman than this one right here. Her heat-slick flesh milking me of every last drop of life essence.
She had bewitched me and I was lost in this fantasy. So lost that I didn’t want to return to the academy. Ever. I wanted to stay here and live in this little world we had together. Why did we have to return?
Her lips pressed to mine once, twice. I let her settle on her feet and smiled down as she smiled up at me. My heart was wide open. I was a free man running on a lead I knew was going to choke me, maybe snap my head right off, but I was running as fast as I could and would go as far as she let me until we inevitably had to return to reality.
“How often can you conjure the passage?” I asked.
“On my own, not very often. I have to save up magic. My father can open that portal door with the snap of his fingers.” She rolled her eyes upward as if annoyed by that. “He used to use a spell, but I almost learned all of it, and I think he began to suspect I would rather spend more time here than on whatever publicity tour he had planned for me.”
“Who does he want you to marry?” I asked as she stepped out of the shower.
“I don’t know. I don’t care. I’m not marrying anyone other than you.” She was wrapping her hair in a towel so she did not see me step back at that comment. I had a smile in place when she reached for the second towel to wrap around her lush curves. My mouth began to water. I wanted her again. And again. And again. It reminded me of the stories they told about mating frenzies. We were not fated mates since we were not both of the mer-species. Still, we were two lovers on limited time in this land of make believe. I wanted to dream about her, this island, that ocean, until she could unlock the door and we could return.
I could do it. I could compartmentalize this in my mind. I’d been in love with her for so long and did a fine job avoiding her on campus. I could be the same asshole I had been to try to push her away from me. Then.
Not now, though. Now. I swept her up as she giggled and asked, “What now?”
“I want to hold you in my arms for the rest of the day.” I could carry her easily.
She wrapped her legs and arms around me as she adjusted and said, “And I want to be held, but I also want to make the lavender cupcakes for us.”
“You can be my lavender cupcake.” I was ridiculously bad at romance, but she thought I was funny, so making her laugh with my terrible lines would have to do.
“Hmmm. Maybe.” She snuggled her nose into my neck as I carried her to her bedroom.
Case, for all the knowledge that container must carry with it, had set up a post in the living room area and tended to disappear when things got naked between us. That’s why, when it appeared in the doorway of her bedroom a few moments after I landed us on that bed, I noticed and asked, “What is it?”
She laughed and said, “It’s Case.”
I sat up and looked at it. It took a full spin and a bit of a side to side shake. “Something’s wrong.”
Case backed into the hallway. I got up, pulled on a pair of shorts and followed. Max began getting dressed if the sound of material on flesh was an indicator. When I approached the living room area, following the wheeled guide, I noticed a scent in the air that was new. Different. Unusual.
“Hello?” I called out.
Case kept moving so I followed it to the door. There, I saw a woman outside, on the beach. “Max. There is someone on your beach.”
“What?” she asked as she entered the room wearing one of my t-shirts. I smiled at the sight and then focused on the intruder. “That’s impossible.”