Page 115 of Prickly Romance
She shakes her head. “No, not really.”
Well then.
“Could you point me to the bathroom?” she asks.
“It’s that way.”
“Thanks.” She offers a bright smile. “When I come back, I’d like to take a few more pictures for the article and then I’ll be out of your hair for the day.”
“No problem.”
Her heels click against the stage as she walks off. I cringe, wishing I’d insisted that she take off her shoes. When I asked her to do so earlier, she politely declined and I swallowed my insistence in deference to her.
It’s for Sazuki and the foundation, Dejonae.
I suck in a deep breath. No matter how ignorant she is, Beverly is the one who’ll be shining a light on the good things that we’re doing here. Keeping her happy matters.
The interview is almost over anyway.
My phone rings.
I set it to my ear, surprised when Holland Alistair’s wife starts talking.
“Hi, is this Dejonae?” Kenya’s pretty voice croons.
“Yep. This is she.”
“I got your number from Hadyn. I hope you don’t mind.”
“I don’t.” I tilt my head. “A while back, he mentioned that he was planning something for Vanya. I’m guessing you’re calling about that.”
“You’re a mind reader.” She laughs cheerfully. “Yes, this is a little something he planned for Vanya. He asked me to steal her away from the house and bring her to the farmhouse. Once we’re there, we’re planning on having chai latte and girl chat.”
“And I’ll bring the chai?”
“According to Hadyn, Vanya adores your chai just slightly more than she does him.”
“Slightly?” I snort.
“Okay, a lot. But he’s a man with an ego to protect.”
I burst out laughing.
Having to deal with Beverly’s ignorance was chipping away at my hope in humanity, but Kenya’s sunny personality is starting to bring a little light in.
“I’m just kidding. Vanya loves that man more than life itself. But Hadyn hinted that she’s not feeling well these days.”
“Does he know what’s wrong?”
“I think he has a suspicion, but he chose not to share it with us to protect Vanya’s privacy. I respect that. And it really doesn’t matter to me what’s wrong. All that matters is she knows we’re there for her.”
“I’m in. Did you say it was tonight?” I check my watch.
“Yes, tonight. By the way, Hadyn doesn’t want Vanya to find out that he set this whole thing up. Let’s pretend us stealing her was totally spontaneous and not related to her concerned husband at all.”
“Got it.”