Page 123 of Prickly Romance
“I do not see how.”
“Nova would never put the business in jeopardy. She wouldn’t put me in a position that I would have to choose.”
“Then how are you so sure that you would choose her?” I ask pointedly.
He tilts his head, opens his mouth and then closes it. Perhaps admitting the reasons might unlock the feelings he has kept so well hidden.
A glance at my watch makes me wince.
“I have a meeting at the foundation.”
“I’m on your side, Sazuki,” Adam says as I leave. “Even if I think your way is risky, I’ll do what I can. I don’t want to see Dejonae suffer any more from this than she has to.”
I stop in my tracks. “I do require a favor.”
He pushes up his sleeves. “What do you need me to do? I can do anything except fight.” One corner of his lips curls up. “Not that you’d need that kind of assistance. You have your scary cousin Akira.”
“It is not a fight I need.” I turn slightly. “And it is not you I need either.”
“Lend me Nova.”
His eyes bug.
“My team has never handled a scandal of this scale before. Nova has spent the latter half of her career handling your public persona. I want her to do the same for us.”
“I’ll talk to her. I don’t think she’ll have a problem.”
I dip my chin.
His chest swells on a deep sigh. “I hope you know what you’re doing, Sazuki.”
We share the same wish.
As it stands, I feel as though I am entering a dark and dangerous cave while blindfolded. But I will not let Dejonae leave the foundation under these circumstances. Somehow, I will find a way to protect everything that is precious to me.
* * *
My receptionist givesme a frightened look when I step out of the elevator and head to my office. I take note of it, but I keep walking.
When I turn the bend, I see what prompted her nervous look.
Dejonae is seated around her desk.
Skin bright. Lips pursed. Head raised.
As defiant as ever.
She skitters to her feet when I stride across the room. Her brown eyes are full of determination. “Sazuki.”
“I told you to stay home,” I growl. The sight of her makes my heart clench. I cannot afford to waver.
“I’m here to turn in my resignation.”
I freeze.
My nostrils flare.