Page 156 of Prickly Romance
Was that the most mature way to handle things?
Probably not.
But what could I say?Hey, boss. I thought we’d be getting hot and heavy in your couch while your daughter was sleeping last night. The fact that you didn’t touch me and you seemed checked out made me feel some type of way. Can you tell me what’s going on so I don’t jump to every bad conclusion in the world?
I’d sound like a crazy person.
Even worse, I’d sound like aweakperson.
The last thing I want to appear as is naive and clingy. Akira already warned me that Sazuki will have other priorities besides me. Maybe this is how being low on the priority pole looks.
Besides, I really do have a lot of work today. Beverly published a glowing article, but we still have to make sure there are no lasting negative effects on the foundation. This is my responsibility.
Sazuki is in a video conference when I return to my desk. A part of me is relieved. I feared he would corner me when I left to go to school. I don’t think I could have resisted if he offered to drive me to campus.
In the bus, I feel my phone buzz.
Sazuki: Did you leave? I wanted to take you to school.
I ignore the text.
Whether he’s blocking me out because he thinks I’m immature or because he wants to protect me, I don’t care anymore. I’m determined to get over myself. There will be way bigger obstacles in our path later. Something as small as him being distracted during a date shouldn’t be a big deal, right?
This time, at least, I’m going to trust him.
Sazuki: When is your first class?
I stare at my phone and then I type back.
Dejonae: I’ll be finished soon. We can talk after.
I focus on the lecturer droning on about science. Why a music student needs to take a science class is beyond me, but I’m here to fulfil my credit requirements.
Movement at the end of the row catches my eye. I glance to the side and drop my pencil when I see Sazuki walking confidently toward me. He falls smoothly into the chair beside mine. His shoulders are so broad, they’re crowding me.
The temptation to turn to him and start firing questions is great, but I pull my hands into my lap and stare straight ahead.
This lecturer doesn’t care about late or absent students, but he doesn’t tolerate anyone disrupting his class. And he isn’t afraid to call students out either.
“What are you doing here?” I whisper.
“You were ignoring me.”
“No, I wasn’t.”I totally was.
“Since you were determined to ignore me,” he gestures to himself, “I am here. Determined to follow you until your anger is sated.”
My lips twitch.
Keep it professional, Deej.
“Following me around? Isn’t that stalking?”
“I don’t have time to stalk anyone.”
“Then why are you here? In my class? Next to me?”
“Because you are not just anyone.” His eyes capture mine. “You are my girlfriend.”