Page 187 of Prickly Romance
“That’s ridiculous!”
Gritting my teeth, I grasp at all the patience I have stored in me. “I have given you the benefit of the doubt because you are Niko’s mother. But I will not cater to you at the expense of Dejonae’s feelings.”
“How exactly have you catered to me?” she demands.
“You showed up at my home without warning and I accepted you in—”
“You accepted me into the garage house,” she points out.
“You eat breakfast with us in the morning and I have not complained.”
“To be fair, yourmomis the one who invited me over.”
“You ask for time with Niko and I make all the arrangements for you. Even cutting her time at the farmhouse short so you could pick her up early.” I give her a stern look. “I do not wish to see either you or Niko hurt. This is why I make the effort for you, but I do not want you to misunderstand my intentions. Dejonae is important to me. She is not leaving my life or Niko’s life. Just as I wish to protect Niko, I wish to protect her.”
“From what?Me?” Ashanti’s voice climbs. “Am I the big bad ex-wife in this story, Ryo? How cliché.”
“No one is calling you a bad person, Ashanti,” I say as patiently as I can.
“That’s what you’re saying, Ryo.” She rises from the table and points an accusing hand. “In your eyes, I’m this…Evil Queentrying to get sweet, young, not-a-wrinkle-on-her Snow White to eat the poisoned apple. Well, you know what, screw you. I’m not the villain and I resent you for making me out to be one.”
She starts to storm away.
“Why have you not mentioned your husband since your arrival?” I ask pointedly.
Her body becomes as straight as a sword.
“Is there something you need to tell me?”
She turns to face me.
Her eyebrows hover lower. She squirms.
I tap my finger against the table. “Ashanti, why did you suddenly leave your cruise?”
Her nostrils flare. “I missed Niko.”
“Is that all?”
She licks her lips. “I got a divorce.”
I stiffen in shock.
“It hadn’t been working out for a while. We both knew it. But he…” Her voice breaks. “He was the person I chose. I didn’t want to fail twice. I tried holding on with all my strength.” A tear creeps into her eyes. “He told me pointedly that it was over. He didn’t want to keep lying to himself or to me anymore.”
“I am sorry,” I say gravely.
She taps at her eyes with the pad of her fingers. “The divorce is almost final.”
I drag a hand through my hair, uncertain on how I should comfort her. That feeling of helplessness, pain and failure had plagued me after our marriage ended too.
“It is not your fault, Ashanti,” I say.
“It is my fault.”
“Because I shouldn’t have left you in the first place.”