Page 197 of Prickly Romance
Dinner is a loud, boisterous affair. Sazuki talks much more than usual, not that dad gives him a choice. The interrogation continues when dad pulls him to the living room to show off the baby albums.
I help mom in the kitchen.
Sazuki glances at me from the sofa, his eyes softening as if to saydo you need me?
I shake my head.
He nods and returns his attention to dad.
“He doesn’t say much.” Mom rinses a dish. “I don’t think we’ve ever had a quiet one in our family.”
“His throat is probably on fire. Tonight is the most I’ve ever heard him talk.”
Mom smiles tenderly. “He’s very attentive to you.”
“Is he?”
“He has these little moments where he’ll do a quick side glance, as if he’s checking that you’re okay and you don’t need anything. When you pushed out your chair to go to the bathroom, he pushed out his chair too to make room for you. They’re tiny things, but they paint a picture.”
“He treats me well.”
She nods and sets the plates in the drainer.
“I… didn’t expect you and dad to be so open.”
“To him.” I face her. “Did Yaya tell you about him beforehand?”
“She did not.”
“Then why aren’t you…”
“What? Throwing a tantrum? Screaming about how he’s too old for you? That you’re too young to be a mother to a child you didn’t create? That his family might not treat you well because of your dark skin?”
“All of that.”
“Of course we’re concerned. Especially about that last part.” She pins her lips together. “But the world is going to rage against you for those differences at every turn. We don’t want to join them.” She finishes with the dishes and sets the dish cloth to dry over the faucet. Her sweet brown eyes stare into mine. “We raised you well enough to make the right choice.”
“Your mother is right.”
I jump when I hear my dad’s voice. He left Sazuki in the living room with the albums and is standing in the kitchen.
My bottom lip trembles when he walks around and gives me a hug. “I’ve lived my life showing you girls how a husband is supposed to treat his wife by the way I treat your mother. I’ve given you all the tools you need to choose someone who’ll treat you the same way. If this is the guy you picked, then I’m going to trust—not in you, but in everything I’ve taught you about what you deserve.”
My eyes get misty. “Dad.”
“Group hug!” Mom yells to Sazuki. “Young man, get over here!”
Sazuki makes a sound of soft confusion.
Mom urges him over. I don’t see him, since I’m wedged against dad’s side, but I smell his minty fragrance and feel his arms wrap around me.
Mom joins our family huddle and we hug for a few seconds.
“Alright,” dad breaks the hug, “let’s get straight into the dessert. While we’re eating, I’ll show you all of Dejonae’s awkward and embarrassing childhood pictures.”
“Dad!” I shriek.