Page 20 of Prickly Romance
“Do I want to know how you got your hands on this?” I ask, lifting the folder.
“You do not.”
I nod. “Was there anything shocking?”
“Sadly, no.”
I arch an eyebrow at her disappointed face.
“The American lives a quiet life. No prior arrests. No debt.” Akira sinks into the chair across from my desk.
“No debt?” That sounds uncommon for the average college student in the US. “How did she afford her education?”
“She chose a college in her state and received a scholarship from the music department. She also worked a part-time job at a café in the area.”
A music student. I scrub my chin. “What of her sister?”
I recall that Dejonae mentioned her sister was deaf.
Akira nods to the folder. I thumb to the back and locate another document. Attached to the summary sheet is a picture of a thick woman with dark skin and dreadlocks.
“The sister moves around a lot. She is rather free-spirited for someone who is deaf.”
“Why can a deaf person not be free-spirited?” I challenge her.
Akira glances away. “I spoke out of turn.”
A knock sounds at the door.
Niko enters wearing herjinbei,Japanese pajamas.The fabric is blue and cottony. Her arms dangle out of the wide sleeves.
“Do you need something?” I sign.
“I can’t sleep.”
I nod at Akira who quickly rises and takes her leave.
“Goodnight, Niko,” Akira signs.
Niko waves to her.
I hold my daughter’s hand and we see Akira out together. When she is gone, I drop to one knee and face Niko, my heart swelling with affection as I look into her sparkling eyes.
Lifting her hands, Niko runs her fingers over the air as if playing a piano.
“You should be in bed. You have school tomorrow.”
She pushes out her bottom lip.
I laugh and give in as I always do. “Five minutes.”
She holds up ten fingers.
“Seven minutes,” I argue.
Niko’s ten fingers wiggle in objection.
I arch an eyebrow. “Should I put you to bed immediately?”