Page 207 of Prickly Romance
“Not important?” Her voice rises. “Your ex-wife is leaving her husband. She came here to declareownershipover you and you thought that wasn’t worth a mention?”
“Ashanti is simply confused.”
“So now you’re taking up for her?”
“Dejonae.” My voice bristles with impatience.
“You didn’t want to tell me that night when you found out she was coming to the city. You hid the fact that you’d been having breakfast with her in the mornings. And now you hide that she’s getting divorced.”
“My mother was the one who invited her to breakfast and that was weeks ago. Why are you bringing it up now?”
“Just because I didn’t mention it doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt,” she spits.
I blink in shock. “Dejonae, do not let her get into your head. I am not interested in going back to Ashanti. I told her that very clearly the last time we spoke.”
“How are you so sure you don’t want her back?”
“You should know the answer to that question better than anyone.”
“That’s not a straight answer, Sazuki.”
My fingers curl into fists. I have done everything I can to assure Dejonae of my intentions. Why would she allow Ashanti to poison her mind?
Dejonae marches forward. “Ashanti plans to stay in the city. She wants to start over with you. She’s pursuing you like a dog with a bone. How can either of us know what’s going to happen in the future?”
My face goes blank. Perhaps the only option here is to let her fume.
She shakes her head. “More importantly, how can we work through this awkward, tangled mess if you keep holding everything close to the chest and leaving me to be the last to find out!”
My phone vibrates in my pocket.
It must be Niko.
“Do you know how humiliating that is for me? I’m dating you, but I know less about your life than she does!”
“There is no need to yell,” I grind out.
Her eyes bug. “Is that all you can say to me? Did you not hear awordI just said?”
“Dejonae,” my chest heaves on a sigh, “this is not the best time.” I check my watch. “I need to leave, and you need time to cool off. We will discuss it later.”
“No.” Her expression turns stony.
My heart stops beating. “What do you mean ‘no’?”
“I don’t want to talk to you anymore.”
My lips tighten. “Do not say things you don’t mean.”
“Do I look like I’m kidding?” She blasts me with an angry scowl.
“Be mature about this.”
“So now I’m being immature? Me? I’m the one who’s been open with you. I could have hid the fact that Ashanti and I met, but I told you immediately. I’ve been smiling and holding myself back because she’s Niko’s mother. She was someone you used to love. Now you dare to look at me and callmeimmature?”
“This matter is simple, Dejonae. I want you. I have wanted you from the start. But Ashanti is Niko’s mother. I cannot simplyeraseher from my life. She will always be a part of it. This is something you will have to get used to.”
Her eyelashes flutter. A look of utter betrayal crosses her face. “You’re telling me to shut up and be the nice little mistress, is that it? No matter what, I will always be less important to you.”