Page 26 of Prickly Romance
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When I leave the library,I notice a fleet of black SUVs lined up near the quad. A woman climbs out and heads straight for me. She’s tall and lean, pale as a vampire, and has her hair scraped back into a severe bun.
Whoever she is, I’m sure she has no business with me.
“Ms. Williams.”
I jump when my name leaves her lips in a crisp accent.
“Mr. Sazuki would like to speak to you.” She gestures to the car. It’s impossible to see her eyes behind the dark shades she’s wearing, but I can only assume that she’s waiting expectantly for me to obey.
Oh hell no.I scowl at her. “Tell him I’m not here.”
“He can see you,” she says in a bland voice.
“By the time you get back to the car and report to him, I’ll be gone.” My smile is quick and cold. “Good day, ma’am.”
I start to walk off, and she steps in front of me.
Annoyance sparks to life in my chest. “Tell Sazuki I said everything I needed to in the email. If he still doesn’t understand, he can use Google translate.”
The tall woman motions in my direction. On cue, the doors of all the SUVs burst open and a line of bodyguards climb out.
My eyes widen.
Before I can think to run, the guards surround me.
I get a flashback to that night at the Belle’s Beauty gala when my piano performance was interrupted in the same manner. Only then, I was so scared and awestruck that I couldn’t stand my ground when Sazuki entered the circle.
This time, I’m ready for him.
The chain of broad, suit-clad backs opens to admit Sazuki. His cold beauty takes my breath away. The man is as regal as he is sharp. He walks in calmly, like he’s shooting a cologne ad and not doing what I’m pretty sure is kidnapping-adjacent.
I get into a fighting stance. “Touch me and you die.”
Bold words, I know. I’m currently surrounded by a legion of beefy Asian bodybuilders in suits.
But I have nothing if not eternal optimism.
“Ms. Williams.” Sazuki’s eyes are cold. Everything about him is cold. Prickly. I’m starting to think I imagined the dimples he flashed yesterday.
“I don’t know how you conducted business in Japan, but here in America, you can’t force conversations by kidnapping innocent people.”
“Kidnapping? We are simply having a little chat.”
Is he joking?“You have twenty goons trapping me in place so I can’t get to my next class. I’m sure that’s breaking at least one law.”
He shakes his head. “We are here to escort you to your class. While we walk, we can talk.”
“What?” I screech.
He catches the eye of the pretty vampire. When the woman nods, the guards shuffle forward. I search for a way to break out of the circle, but there are none. These guys are like human handcuffs.
Sazuki gestures for me to continue on the path.
I grit my teeth. I could stay here and fight with him, but I can’t afford to be late. I’ve got Music 206 now, which is Ear Training Theory. Mr. Howell locks the classroom door precisely on the dot. It’s my last semester and if I plan on graduating, I can’t flunk my music electives.