Page 33 of Prickly Romance
With a deep breath, I knock on the door.
Footsteps patter.
The door flies open.
Niko launches herself at me and wraps her arms around my waist. I’m shocked to see her and hug her back enthusiastically.
“Pretty girl.” I run a hand down her long, curly hair. “What are you doing here?”
Prickles of awareness run over my skin.
I glance up and fall into a pair of sharp brown eyes.
“Slow down,Niko, or you might choke. Here, drink this.”
I slide a glass of freshly squeezed juice over to her. Niko grabs the mug and takes a sip. Shyly, she glances at me and I nod my assurance.
Her shoulders hike to her ears and she looks around self-consciously. Tiny fingers sink below the table where she is, undoubtedly, gripping the edge of her skirt.
The food called ‘fry jack’ had distracted her so that she forgot to be nervous. Now, I see the uncertainty steal into her eyes again and it makes my heart pinch. Perhaps it had not been wise to let her accompany me.
“Do you like it?” A small woman with two grey plaits hanging down her shoulders asks. She’s wearing a loose cotton blouse with an embroidered hem and a colorful red skirt.
Niko bobs her head.
“Thank you,” I answer for my daughter. “It is very good.”
“Your daughter’s beautiful,” another woman says to me. She’s tall with long black hair. She and the elder have similar facial features and the same reddish-brown complexions. “You must be very proud.”
“I am,” I say simply.
Cheers erupt in the living room. I observe the group of three children who are scattered on the ground playing a card game. Niko notices them too. Longing enters my daughters eyes, but she chews on her bottom lip and stays seated.
“Would you like to join them?” I sign.
She shakes her head vehemently.
“Sorry about that.” Holland Alistair stalks into the kitchen. He takes the seat beside me. “There was a small emergency at Belle’s Beauty, so I had to take the call.”
“Anything I can help with?” I ask.
He waves away my offer. “Ezekiel has it handled. Promoting him to manager was one of the best decisions I ever made.” His eyes skate across the table and land on a woman with dark skin and curly hair. “Apart from marrying my wife.”
Alistair’s wife laughs brightly.
“Stop undressing my best friend with your eyes, you creep. There are children around,” the woman with long hair scolds.
One of the children leaves the living room and trods past the dinner table. He gives Niko a curious look, which she quickly pretends not to notice. The boy adjusts his circular glasses and carries on.
On the way back from the kitchen, he grips a glass of water and stops at the table. “Mom, I think someone’s outside.”