Page 51 of Prickly Romance
I want to dismiss her, but I’ve seen how close she is to Niko. She seems to genuinely care about both Sazuki and his daughter. For Niko’s sake, I’d prefer to get along with her.
“Hey,” I stick my hand out when she starts to turn away, “I’m Dejonae Williams.”
She looks at my fingers like they’re tiny worms that can bite her. With clear reluctance, she takes the hand I offer. “Akira.”
“No last name?”
“You would not be able to pronounce it.”
Well then.“Niko said you were the one who taught her how to fight.”
She stares at me with an angry face and says nothing.
I lick my lips. “I get the impression that you’ve done a lot for her.”
“Of course. I am Niko’s family. Those ties cannot be broken.”
I don’t miss the stress onfamily, as if she thinks that I can’t care about Niko because I’m not related to her.
“Of course. Family and friends are what make life special.”
“Do you consider yourself family? A friend?” She arches a brow like a bull dog about to attack.
It’s easy to tell that Akira is not my biggest fan, and that she’s extremely protective of Niko and Sazuki. I don’t blame her for wanting to keep them safe, since she seems to be their bodyguard, driver and personal security all rolled up into one. But what I don’t understand is why she hates me. It’s not like I playedherpiano at the Belle’s Beauty gala that night.
Akira takes a step toward my desk, her expression menacing. “Let me make one thing clear. Many like you have tried and failed to trap Sazuki with your games. They have learned the hard way that he is not a man to be trifled with. Whatever your schemes are, do not think that worming your way into Niko’s heart will draw you closer to her father. Sazuki has seen through every last one of you and this time is no different.”
My temper ignites.What the hell?“I have no interest in dating Sazuki. Whether you believe I’m a gold digger or not is none of my business. You can think of me what you will.” I step forward until I’m nose-to-nose, well, more like nose-to-chin, with her. “But you willnotaccuse me of using Niko to get to anything. She is precious and important to me and I will fight anyone who argues otherwise.”
Akira opens her mouth to answer—only to fall silent as Jordan’s voice intrudes from the doorway.
“Is everything okay here?”
Glaring goes back and forth between me and the lady vampire.
“Everything is fine,” Akira finally says. She whips around, almost lashing me in the face with her silky black ponytail.
While she storms off, my gaze staggers on Jordan.
“It’s lunch. I thought we could check out a diner nearby and talk.”
“I have nothing to say to you.” I take my seat, pull up a bunch of binders and flip through them.
Jordan approaches my desk. “Deej,please.You cleared out of my apartment, blocked me on social media and refused to speak to me for months.”
“Did you really expect us to have a peaceful breakup after I caught you sexting your ex-girlfriend?”
“I told you. I can explain.”
“And I told you,” I huff, “I’m not interested in an explanation.”
“Deej, I know you’re upset, but we can’t keep this cold war up. We have to work together every day. How productive are we going to be if we can’t at least have a pleasant working relationship?”
I drag my gaze away from him, hating that he has a point.
“One lunch. Once we clear the air, I won’t bother you anymore.”
I check my watch. “You have twenty minutes.”